Jasminum bignoniaceum Wall. & G.Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 63 1837.;
India; Sri Lanka as per Catalogue of Life;


Please help me in identifying this small shrub found in Nilgiris district of TN. It appears to be a Jasminum sp.
Leaf: 5cm long
Fruit: c. 1 cm across
Date: 21 Oct 2012
Place: Western Catchment, Nilgiris, TN
Alt.: 2350 m asl

May be Jasminium bignoniaceum.

I could not find any details on net worth mentioning leave alone any images/ illustrations etc.

Appears close to images at Jasminum officinale L. ???

I go for Jasminum bignoniaceum

Thanks, … But why I could not find any details on net worth mentioning leave alone any images/ illustrations etc.?

There are some photos at India biodiversity portal by Jude, I think

Thanks, … This time I got lot of details. I think I was searching with a wrong spelling of the name:

This appears to be Jasminum bignoniacium Wall. characterized by compound leaves and dark purplish black fruits, usually found in W.Ghats of Nilgiri hills and southwards to Kerala and Pulney hills.



http://wcsp.science.kew.org/namedetail (Chrysojasminum bignoniaceum (Wall. ex G.Don) Banfi)