Please avoid comments on uploads without subject line or common subject lines:

We have repeatedly seen some new members uploading photographs for ID without subject line or with common subject lines like “ID Please”. Though some of us may get tempted or feel obliged to identify such photographs, I request experts to resist this temptation as it may not be a service to the group after all, and not a personal satisfaction because such identification mails often get detached from the thread or get attached to a a wrong thread and this may cause a lot of confusion in our database. I think all of have to realise this important fact and simply request the member to upload with a unique subject line.
The unique subject line for plants for ID should consist of a unique code (dd+mm+yyyy+your initials+your post no for ID for the day) followed by from …………..(Place).
Please remember that in a country like India with diverse climatic conditions: plants from almost all climates are met, and name of place and altitude are of great signifcance in floristic information as well as for the convenience of the experts.

we should extend this to photographs faded/overexposed/underexposed/ single
not very informative photograph
not in focus
incomplete info on the pic
what do you think ?

Yes … More the information better it is but as I have been stressing Place name (altitude helps further), flower size (which often deceives you in digital photographs), leaf size, are some of the things almost essential. We felt this handicap in genera like Geranium, Impatiens, Pediculari (very common in Himalayas and difficult also) where flower size and leaf shape and insertion are crucial in identification.