S-Tibet, Bhutan, Sikkim, Darjeeling, E-Nepal, N-India as per Catalogue of Life;



Re: White rhododendron : 4 posts by 2 authors.

This is white rhododendron from Kalimpong
Kindly identify

Its R. griffithianum Wight  




SK1172 04 JUNE 2018 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) – around 800 kb each.

Location : Lava, Kalimpong, India
Date : 11 May 2018
Elevation :  7000 ft.
Habit : Wild
ID for this Rhododendron ??

Yes. Side view of the flowers would have helped. 

Pl. check at 

Already checked …

It is R. griffithianum

Thank you …! Rhododendron griffithianum Wight 

Rhododendron 1 San Francisco Botanical garden.: I would like to share some Rhododendrons captured from SFO Botanical garden in Jun 2011.
There were so many of them in the Rhododendron section including many hybrids I couldnt record the names of many.
I just went on capturing them in my camera. Initially was reluctant to post them.
I think this one is Rhododendron griffithianum.

Very nice photograph … For some days I was thinking of starting a series of my California photographs. You have provided me further temptation.



Rhododendron griffithianum

One of the named Rhododendrons in the Rhododendron section in SFO Botanical garden.

An amazing place.

Yes, correcly identified by …
