Yes, …

Plants feel….
somethings they feel like heat cold freeze-ing temp or water, over or under-watering, drought, lack of fertilzer ie food, and insect and parasite attacks are obvious ,,,, if you look after plants in house, garden , laboratory or farms … you know all that…

but you may not know these following, because they are not obvious … but very astute researchers and observers before us have done the experiments and and written about them or have been written up by others..

I give you a very small sampling…

A. Plants feel their OWN pain.. themselves… when Jagdish Chandra Bose “hurt” a cabbage leaf it screamed… reference is JC BOSE’s books …. or even google for it.

B. Plants feel pain of others.... Experiments in San Diego california and New Jersey… showed that when the researcher dumped live shrimp in hot boiling water , Philadenron leaves of a plant responded …. when the owner of the plant feels emotions, the needles attached to the leaves respond… these experiments are written in many places… but best one I find to read is in the excellent book called SECRET LIFE of PLANTS (by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, is published in India by Rupa and co…sells for about 200 rupees , or most public libraries have them) the two authors spent more than 10 years of their lives and a couple of fortunes on researching and visiting the scientists they wrote or reported about… this book reads better than a novel… and will inspire young students to do more research in the ” psychology of plants”…

C. Plants feel love emanating from the owners/caretakers… Mr Burbank was able to grow generations of Cacti in Southern California to not grow spines or thorns by telling them lovingly that he will take care of them and they did not need thorns… his work was written up in countless newspapers and scholarly articles, but the best is in the book I talked about in B. above…

D. Plants do not like “bad vibrations” and like good vibrations... ie classical music and ragas that are soothing inspire the plants… and very harsh music makes them move away… I have seen it my self…

This should be enough info for you to start researching and looking into this part of Botany…

When you have read some of these things, do come back and tell me what you think…

Thank you for your GLORIOUS REPLY .Very much obliged SERIOUS TREE-PLANTER

thank you for finding these things interesting…
i think the book by peter tompkins is glorious, I was just the messenger… he did the hard work and then wrote it up in inspiring style…

I am humbled by your calling it a glorious reply… coming from you this is indeed wonderful… I looked up your two NGOs , they do wonderful work ….

out of 2000 members that we have here in this group you are the only one who said anything,
I sometimes wonder why I even bother … but then my mom taught me to shine like the surya, regardless of who it was shining on…

I am hoping that the student … finds it useful and is not just satisfied with my little list but is inspired and does some digging (!) of his own….