Primula sessilis Royle ex Craib, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 6: 256 1917. ;
East Himalaya, Nepal, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Common name: Stalkless Primrose


This Primula shot near Kalamuni, Pithoragarh Uttarakhand resemble to Primula sessilis Royle ex Craib with its acuminate petals.
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Link with pictures as per Primula World – A Visual Reference for the Genus Primula : P. sessilis

Primula sessilis

This species is P. sessilis. It is closely resembles with P. bracteosa in vegetative condition, but can be separated by its acuminate petals characters. Here the syntype specimen is attached.

A reply from , Creator of Primula World – A Visual Reference for the Genus Primula :
Yes, P. sessilis determined by the acuminate petals as per below. 

I am in agreement that this is Primula sessilis. Strange that ‘Flowers of Himalaya’ say it is distinguished by its pale lilac-pink flowers with an orange eye, with usually 4 entire narrow petals which are abruptly narrowed to a fine point – yet Primulas have 5 petals!  As do the admittedly few images I have seen of this species. Apparently recorded from Kashmir to West Nepal in forests & shady banks @ 2100-3600m; I suspect this is as error from ‘Flora of British India’ times as neither Stewart nor Nasir (who revised Primulaceae for Flora of Pakistan’ mention it. It is known as being common in the Kulu Valley  I have seen a colony on a low damp cliff near the bottom of the Rohtang Pass but never seen it in flower.  It flowers in April or May.  Never been in the Kulu Valley at that time of the year – would be nice to see some photos posted from here in the years to come.



Rosette herb 11117 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Small wild herb with radicle leaves found on the way to Pangu top, Uthrakand.

Primula sp.

Thanks …; it seems Primula sessilis

Thanks, …, for the id.
Yes to me also appear close to images at Primula sessilis as posted by …


primula sessilis, hopefully : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)
Primula sessilis, hopefully

i would appreciate a confirmation if possible
we saw this Makku, Uttarakhand at an altitude of about 6,500 feet or so in the first week of may 2018
it was growing around a tiny stream on a slope

Though seems slight differences I guess it is matching.

