Basilicum polystachyon






ocimum like herb Hooghly 61-12-12 sk2: Found this herb yesterday on the edge of a agri-land.

Species : UNKNOWN
H & H : wild herb, about 1.5 ft, leaves don’t have any aroma
Date : 15/12/12, 2.43 p.m.

Place : Hooghly

I think Ocimum gratissimum.

Found :-
My species looks close to O. gratissimum, but –

But i am not against O. gratissimum, only that this plant exudes no smell.

Close up of flower should help. flowers of this genus are so distinctive.

You may compare with mine

I may very well be wrong but this plant seems to be different than the one in my earlier upload.

If this is O. gratissimum then the plant in the link above is certainly some other species.

may be its Moschosma

its found in water loging area

Thank you Sir for the probable ID. I found this plant on the border of an agricultural land.

Hi, this plant is not Ocimum. It is Basilicum polystachyon, found everywhere. It is a monotypic plant in Lamiaceae, earlier considered as Ocimum. No doubt. Type the name in google and confirm yourself.

Thank you very much, found the page on this taxon in The Plant List and in GRIN.

To me this looks very like Perilla frutescens and this is reinforced by the comment that it does not have a strong smell.

While some pictures of Perilla frutescens found in google-search look like this plant, the leaves of Perilla frutescens seem to be acute as have been described in Flora of Pakistan – Moreover, the same description informs Perilla frutescens is strongly aromatic.
I am not sure which taxon i should place this plant to.






Basilicum polystachyon for Validation from Kaithal::NS Sept 01 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5).

This much branched herb was recorded from near my native place…  this was recorded few years back, id could not be concluded due to lack of clear shots.. I got this again this year..

Please validate if this can be Basilicum polystachyon (L.) Moench

You are correct …, it is Basilicum polystachyon (L.) Moench (= Moschosma polystachyon (L.) Benth.) Lamiaceae, an erect herb usually grow in the moist habitats

Thanks … this is not common in our area, though..

New to me … Never seen it in our area. (Uttarakhand)

Thanks for the information … not common in our place either..





This is an uncommon herb, I got this near my native place in Kaithal District of Haryana..

Basilicum polystachyon


nice pics




Lamiaceae, id assistance sp5515 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)- 1 MB each.

Please help I’d this plant.
Sorry for bad quality pictures.

…, from your photos I feel it is Basilicum polystachyon (L.) Moench. formerly Moschosma polystachyon (L.) Benth. Unfortunately the place of collection was not mentioned. Possibility of Ocimum sp. also there. Based on photo I cannot pin point.

The plant was photographed from medicinal garden at bandodkar college, Thane. I will try to get some more detailed photographs

Ocimum ¿ species ?
Please ID … not sure of dimensions. Hoping it to be some species of Ocimum or would it be Salvia.
Growing in scrub vegetation.

at base of Saphale Ghat on September 28, 2009

Thank you … for sharing, please check probability of Basilicum polystachyon (L.) Moench.

It is Basilicum polystachyon (L.) Moench, of Lamiaceae. found along rice fields, canals etc.,


Regarding identification of the species Anugul Odisha March 2023: 5 high res. images.

Basilicum polystachyon (L.) Moench



Updated on December 24, 2024