Ilex sikkimensis Kurz, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 44(2): 202 1875. (Syn: Ilex sikkimensis var. coccinea H.F. Comber);


Trip to Khaiyang Phung, Manipur: 1 correct image as above. 
Following a recent trip to Manipur (November) I have just found your wonderful Google Group. I made a trip out to climb a remote mountain called Khaiyang Phung in Manipur and came across a number of plants I couldn’t identify. (actually hundreds!) I hope you are able to help. I have attached a couple to start with.
The purple berries were found at 2500m and the Symplocos was 1900m
The trip was amazing and the forests were some of the most unspoiled I have visited anywhere in the world

I had been researching rooftop vegetable growing and had run into some wonderful stuff including one in Reading (I remembered Reading because it had something to do with Quakers) … a few weeks ago… and today looked up your edulis website… so connected the dots…
Looking forward to your queries from the northeast// manipur … And
I imagine you would be willing to give us some useful tips in future? My interest is esp in mixing my own soil-less soil. A difficult task in India right now… may be because I do not know enough of horticulture… did you mix your own soil for the rooftop in Reading?

Yes the first one is Ilex sikkimense


by Nick Macer (Id by M K Pathak) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click
on the links)



Manipur identifications: I’m new on here and would very much appreciate some help with a few ident’s for some species we encountered on a trip we made into Manipur recently. Let me know if the file size of the attached photos are too big. 

These first photos are of a 10m tree we found at 2730m asl on Khayangphung mountain, Ukhrul district, Manipur, right on the Burmese border.

This appears to be Ilex sikkimensis.

Many thanks …, I think you are absolutely right.