Citation of Phot credit : I am sure; most of the members of this group are excellent photographers. On this basis I want to get a clarification from you about the photo credit. One example, I was worked with one organization before my present posting. From there, using their camera, travel allowance, their permission to enter forests, I took lots of photographs. Now I am with another organization and copies of all photos with me. In this back ground, when I am using those photos or donating to some other colleagues, what be the photo credit?

Please provide your suggestion.

There must be some kind of agreement that you may have been asked to sign off by the earlier company regarding their policy of how the photos are owned.

In case there was no such agreement, then a simple query by mail to them asking them about photo ownership will help.
As such from the arrangement of working, it looks that all the photographs are their “intellectual property”.

Please wait for better comments.

Under normal circumstances the person who takes the photographs gets the credit and that should be the the case here unless you had a written memo from the organization that all these photographs would be their property and you can’t use them without their permission, and you had submitted all photographs with them and these are in their records.
This is my understanding of the situation.