TAW at Ranibagh on 19th Sunday AT 8 am: We, a group of nature lovers have decided to start Tree Appreciation Walks in Mumbai. Our aim is to create awareness and inculcate a love for the trees. You are most welcome to join us forour walks.

Our next walk is on Sunday19th February, 2012

Venue: Ranibagh also called Byculla Zoo, [VJB Udyan]

Time: 8 a.m.

Duration of walk: 2 hours

Meeting Point: Main gate, Near the ticket office.

Most Important …..We have taken special permission for taking the Walk at 8 am and also for car parking…….those who are bringing their cars plz be there by 7.45 so that we can start our Walk at 8 am. Very Important ……get your cars in for parking from the “Out” gate not from the Main Gate (“In Gate). Ticket money and car parking charges will be collected during the walk which we have to pay to the authority.

The Veermata Jijabai Bhonsle Udyan or simply Ranibagh or Byculla Zoo to Mumbai residents, is a botanical garden. It has 3000 trees [ 276 species] .We have attached a list of the trees which we will be showing you.

Photography is allowed. You pay for the camera. No plastic [including disposable water bottles] are allowed.

Please go through the saveranibagh website for more info.


Also note it is recently updated with new list of trees compiled by Dr. Almeida and new photographs by Shubhada.

Go through Dinesh Valkes photographs too.


Hope to see you all.

                                  Trees of V.
J. B. Udyan (Rani Bagh)


No.     Common
name          Scientific Name                Family                   Place of Origin


1.        Panama
Rose              Rondeletia
odorata             Rubiaceae              Cuba


Bauhinia variegata            
Caesalpiniaceae      India


3.        Sardol                         Sterculia villosa                   Sterculiaceae          India


4.        Ghost
Tree                  Sterculia
Sterculiaceae          India


5.        Guest
tree                   Kleinhovia
hospita              Sterculiaceae          Malaya


Melaleuca leucodendron    Myrtaceae              Australia


7.        Foot
Stool Palm          Livistona
rotundifolia         Arecaceae              S. E. Asia


8.        Chinese
Fan Palm       Livistona chinensis             Arecaceae              China


9.        Tad                               Borassus flabillifer             Arecaceae               India, Srilanka


Wormia/Shrubby       Dillenia
suffruticosa           Dilleniaceae            Malaya


Terminalia bellerica           Combreteaceae        India


Harda/Hirda              Terminalia chebula            Combreteaceae        India


13.       Jarul/Taman              Lagerstroemia speciosa      Lythraceae              India


14.       Lahan
Jarul                Lagerstroemia
thorelii       Lythraceae              India


15.       Lemon
Scented          Corymbia citriodora            Myrtaceae              Australia


16.       Shewan                       Gmelina
arborea                 Verbenaceae 


18.       Tidhari
thor              Euphorbia antiquorum       Euphorbiacea          India


19.       Thor                           Euphorbia neriifolia            Euphorbiaceae        India   


Nagkesar                    Mesua ferrea                        Clusiaceae               India


21.       Charcoal
tree           Trema orientalis                    Urticaceae               India


22.       Noni                         Morinda
Rubiaceae               Pacific island


23.       Sita
Ashok               Saraca indica                          Caesalpiniaceae      Srilanka,India                      


Amherstia nobilis                  
Caesalpiniaceae      Burma   


25.       Rose
of                    Brownea
Caesalpiniaceae      Venezuela


Kopsia                     Kopsia fruticosa                      Apocynaceae          Burma


27.       Royal Palm             Roystonea regia                       Arecaceae               Cuba


28.       Yellow
Silk            Cochlospermum
religiosum     Cochlospermum      S.India


29.        Fire
Spike              Odontonema tubaeforme         Acanthaceae           Pacific island


30.        Mexican
Flame      Senecio confusus                      Asteraceae               Mexico


Kailashpatti           Couroupita
guianensis             Lecythidaceae          S. America


32.       Shaving
Brush       Pseudobombax ellipticum        Bombaceae               Mexico


Pandanus               Pandanus
sanderi                      Pandanaceae            


34.       Golden Trumpet    Tabebuia argentea                    Bignoniaceae            Brazil                                                                          

Name of
the field guides for trees…..


The Trees of Mumbai by Marselin Almeida & Naresh
Chaturvedi of BNHS publication….BNHS office tel: 22821811


The Trees of Delhi by Pradeep Kishen….published by
Dorling Kindersley(India) P. Ltd available in Strand Book Depot tel


Trees of Pune by Srikant Ingalhalikar….Published
by Corolla Publication, Pune


Best internet site for references………..www.flowerofindia.com 


23rd Tree Appreciation Walk : 19th
Feb, 2012

Thank you … for your kind words
… your niece is most well come..all are well come ..children too..all of us are non botanists but plants are our passion..and .we want to share our knowledge and joy with others.