Schefflera shweliensis W.W.Sm., Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 10: 65 1917. (syn: Agalma shweliense (W.W.Sm.) Hutch.);

Images by Nick Macer – identified by Mr Frodin, (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)


Trees, to 20 m tall, probably andromonoecious. Petiole 12-24 cm; petiolules to 1-1.5 cm; leaflets 5-9, narrowly obovate to oblanceolate, 6-15 cm long, 1.5-3.5 cm wide, leathery, both surfaces glabrous, secondary veins 7-9 pairs, nearly obscure to conspicuous on both surfaces, tertiary veins indistinct, base narrowly acute, margin entire, apex long acuminate. Inflorescence a terminal panicle of racemes, gray-white stellate pubescent, glabrescent; primary axis 15-40 cm; secondary axes often present only in basal portion of primary axis, to 13 cm; pedicels 2-4 mm. Calyx glabrous to sparsely stellate pubescent, 5-toothed. Ovary 5-6-carpellate; styles united into a column. Fruit blue-black when mature, globose, 4-5 mm in diameter, 5-ribbed when dry; style 1.5-2.5 mm. (Ref. Encyclopedia of Life); 

Schefflera sp. for ident’ please. : 2 images. 5 posts by 2 authors.     

I return with another Araliaceae ident for you. The attached photo is of a tree sized Schefflera sp. we found at about 2700m asl on Khayangphung, E. Manipur, right on the Burmese border, November 2012. The tree was approx 15m high growing within the forest, almost at the summit of the mountain. 
At the time I had assumed this was S. rhododenrifolia (syn. S. impressa), due to foliage character and altitude, but the inflorescence is clearly a spike as opposed to a panicle of umbels.

I have recently had this confirmed as Schefflera shweliensis by … at RGB Kew.

I tend to agree with …