Pelargonium cordifolium Curtis (Syn: Pelargonium cordatum L’Hér.; Pelargonium cordatum var. lanatum Harv.; Pelargonium cordatum var. rubrocinctum Harv.;                    (≡) Geranium cordifolium Cav. (basionym); (=) Pelargonium cordatum Aiton); 



Sharing a colourful Pelargonium from USA

Some interesting fact about Pelargoniums found on this link
Pelargoniums grow naturally in the Cape Province of South Africa. In the 17th century they were brought to Europe and called geraniums, a common mistake that persists to this day. Although both are in the same family, Geraniaceae, they are two completely different genera of plants. Most of the showy plants found in many nurseries today are hybrid pelargoniums, the result of human tampering.
Both genera are named for their elongated birdbeak-shaped fruits. Pelargonium means ‘stork’s bill’ (Greek: pelargos = stork), and Geranium means ‘crane’s bill’ (Greek; geranos = crane. They can be distinguished by the shape of their flowers. Pelargoniums have bilateral symmetry which means they can be divided into two equal halves, also known as zygomorphic or irregular. Geraniums have radial symmetry, where the flower is round, all parts equal, also known as actinomorphic or regular.

This looks to be Pelargonium cordifolium with heart shaped leaves. I found some more pictures taken from SFO Botanical garden.

The photographs are too good. Thanks …



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