Please be careful about subject line It has often been seen that some members don’t have a proper subject line when uploading photographs. The uploads without subject line, slightly different subject lines or common subject lines which convey no idea about subject being discussed often lead to replies being getting detached from the thread or more alarmingly getting attached to different threads and causing a lot of confusion. We have seen this happening repeatedly. I hereby request members to ensure.

1. Your post has place of photography clearly mentioned in the subject line for all types of posts
2. The subject lines of your different uploads are sufficiently different
3. The subject line carries the name of the plant (if already identified), a unique word (ddmmyyy+your initials+post number for the day) for posts meant for identification
4. During family weeks there should be running serial number (e.g., NS01, NS02, NS03, etc) for all uploads during the week, appended at the end of the subject line.
This small care on part of all of us will go a long way in proper documentation of our database. All of us are aiming to have proper documentation of our database so that it could be developed into a creditable eFlora of India in near future.