Saxifraga lilacina Duthie, Gard. Chron. III, 1904(1): 290 1904.;



An unidentified Saxifraga from Uttarakhand : Attachments (1 + 3).  4 posts by 2 authors.

This cushion forming Saxifraga was shot at an altitude of 2600m which is quite unusual for cushion forming Saxifrags in this part of the Himalaya where alpine zones (homeland of Saxifrags) lies only above 3600-3800m. It belong to Saxifraga sect. Porphyrion (Kabschia section) in which leaves have lime pits. Flowers are solitary on small shoots (1-1.5cm) and 1-1.2cm across. Seems closer to S.ludlowii (species not found in India and Nepal) and unresolved species described by J.F.Duthie S.lilacina. However, identity is yet to be resolved.
Pink Saxifrags are much in requirements for breeding ornamental varieties.
Can anyone help please?

Posting three more pics to make clearer observations.
Hope to get some response.

This species have been confirmed as Saxifraga lilacina after my
recent visit to BSI Dehradun, FRI Dehradun and consultation with Dr
P.K.Pusalkar (one of the fine expert of alpine flora of Western Himalaya
in BSI Dehradun).

I am very interested in any further information about this saxifraga, more collection details if possible please

I cannot but wonder about this?  PLEASE take more photos with close-ups of floral parts and foliage, if you get the opportunity of re-visiting the location.  It seems S.lilacina is an un-resolved name according to ‘The Plant List’.
It certainly does NOT match the description of this species in ‘Saxifragaceae’ (Flora of Pakistan, 1977) – which was based upon specimens from Hazara, Poonch & Kashmir.  The TYPE specimen (at Kew) was collected by Duthie in Kaghan Valley in 1899.  Described as very small in stature, greyish-green in colour with dark green leaf tips, bearing some resemblance to Saxifraga ramulosa.  Flower colour: pink to purple.