Thymophylla tenuiloba (DC.) Small, “1295, 1341” 1903. (Syn: Dyssodia tenuiloba (DC.) B.L.Rob.; Hymenatherum tenuilobum DC.);
Thymophylla tenuiloba, also known as the Dahlberg daisy, small bristleleaf pricklyleaf, golden fleece, or shooting star is a bushy, multi-branched flowering annual from the family Asteraceae. Asteraceae Fortnight Part 1-Radiate Heads: Brachycome?? 04-05-2013GS1 for ID from Delhi-GS40 : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 1 author.
This cultivated annual herb with linear segments looks like Brachycome but yellow flower-heads put me to doubt. Please help in ID. Photographed from Delhi Thymophylla tenuiloba
Garden flowers seen in Gurgaon on 11/3/2012. I hope it is the same as mine still not verified. Did you check for Dahlberg Daisy on flowersofindia? You are great … Thymophylla tenuiloba ASTERACEAE Fortnight Part-I Radiate Heads May 1-14: Unidentified ornamental from Uttarakhand_DSR_38: Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors.
This small ornamental (30-45cm tall) herb is a winter season annual plant in Pantnagar. Kindly identify/ suggest identity. I hope Thymophylla tenuiloba Thank you Sir! Cultivated herb from Lodhi Garden Herbal Garden, Delhi. Please help in ID-GSMAR01/01: 5 posts by 2 authors.
Attachments (5)
This plant was cultivated along borders of beds in Lodhi Garden Herbal garden, Delhi. Gardener suggested Matricaria. The leaves do resemble Matricaria but not the yellow ray florets. They are white in common species M. chamomilla.
Please help in ID. Thymophylla tenuiloba as identified by … on Facebook Interestingly Sir, you identified my uploads of this species in eFI, though long ago. This is what people say: Age catching up. In fact identified by … on 7-5-2013 during Asteraceae Fortnight |