
Urgent ID Request : Attachments (2). 5 posts by 4 authors.

Yesterday I had placed an ‘unreasonable request’ for ID of a seed based on just an anecdote at Neora Valley, North Bengal. Today, I can attach two images. To me this looks like some sort of an acorn.
May I please request for urgent help with the ID of this seed? The reason is personal:
I had given this seed from Neora Valley to my 5 year old grand daughter and tomorrow she wants to present that to her class as part of their weekly ‘Do and Tell’ story. She asked me the name of the tree/seed and wanted me to email her a picture of the tree. I am totally lost and therefore request experts on this forum for urgent help.
Thank you very much in anticipation of your timely help.

I think it is a Quercus species (Oak), too.

These are definitely acorns but the cups of 3 acorns appear to be fused together. As the Grey Oak [Quercus leucotrichophora] is found throughtout the Himalayas, it should be reasonably safe to inform your grand daughter that they are the acorns of a Grey Oak tree.

At Dachigam WLS near Srinagar (Kashmir), i had spotted Black Bears on Oak (Quercus sp) trees and i was told by the forest guide that these Black Bears are fond of acorns.

Thank you all, for your very prompt and helpful response. Following the first cue from …, I found that this fruit belongs to the Quercus geminata. Here is the link:

Thanks to all again – … – the latter also confirming that this fruit is indeed eaten by bears also, in addition to being the rhesus macaque and langur’s favourite.

Quercus geminata is found in USA as per link.
It may be acorn of Quercus oblongata D.Don as per comparative images at Quercus

An unreasonable question : 4 posts by 2 authors.
at the outset, I apologise for placing a very unreasonable query.
Some years ago when I first visited Neora Valley in North Bengal, the guide plucked a fruit and called it ‘bantay’ in the local language. He said it was the most favourite fruit of the bears in that forest.
I am hoping that someone familiar with the flora of Neora Valley and the symbiosis between plants and animals in this nature reserve, would be able to throw some light on this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have got responses from a few members confirming Quercus genus. On further search, I found the species to be Quercus geminata or leucotrichophora – couldnt quite tell for lack of images on the net.