Leucadendron discolor (Cultivated- USA)

Leucadendron discolor E. Phillips & Hutch., W. T. Thiselton-Dyer, Fl. cap. 5(1):544. 1912 (syn: Leucadendron buekianum Meissn.; Protea buekiana Kuntze);
South Africa (W-Cape Prov.) as per Catalogue of Life;

A tall shrub, sometimes growing to the size of a tree, confined to the western side of the Piketberg range.

Native: South Africa
It grows on rocky soils derived from sandstone in mountain fynbos.
(From  IUCN Red List (EN)  )




Requesting to please ID this plant with cream and red flowers captured in San Francisco, USA in May 2013.

I hope Leucodendron sp.

Googling further indicated Leucodendron discolor. Kindly confirm.

This was identified as Leucadendron discolour on a FB group.
