Although I have posted my fungi photographs taken in Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai earlier I hope these can be further identified:

(1) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=114571
(2) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=104367
(3) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=101881
(4) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=67872
(5) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=66549
(6) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=61959
(7) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=61764
(8) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=60830
(9) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=60694
(10) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=60324
(11) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=54961
(12) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=52954
(13) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=52765
(14) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=52525
(15) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=51502
(16) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=30430
(17) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=26628
(18) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=25889
supposed to be edible
(19) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=25364
(20) http://www.indianaturewatch.net/displayimage.php?id=25363

Since the monsoon in 2009 was late and insufficient I didn’t find as many mushrooms as I wanted to.

Good collection of Fleshy fungi. Most of them are identified in our laboratory. Very soon I will mail the list with identification.

Excellent collection of mushroom diversity, …! Nice visual treat. Keep the good work going!!

Thanks for sharing these little umbrella’s. Wonderful collection.
One of the marasmius species posted by you in the link
looks very close to Marasmius siccus (orange pinwheel). EDIBILITY UNKNOWN: AVOID. based on the book –

Edible and poisonous mushrooms of the world

By Ian Robert Hall,

Click this link to see the picture and description.

Please validate

Wish to add one of the specimen found on Silonda trail in Sanjay Gandhi National Park,Mumbai on 22nd June 2008 during nature trail.

Probably some species of Coprinus .

Really nice collection of fungi. I will try to identify as many I can in a day or so. No. 19 is Marasmius androsaceus. Commonly known as Horsehair fungus.
Not edible because of its size.

These are some of the forms I could identify for the time being. Trying to identify the rest.
1. Pleurotus ostreatus.
2. Clavulinopsis laeticolor.
4. Coprinus sp.
5. Pycnoporus cinnabarinus (Orange bracket fungus)
7. Marasmius sp.
17. Stemonitis splendens (Myxomycetes).
18. Lepiota cristata.
19. Marasmius androceus.
20. Pleurotus ostreatus.