Requesting to please ID this plant captured in a cultivated garden in Mumbai in December 2012.
Which species of Selaginella??

I guess this plant is selaginella willdenowii. I am actually in search of this plant. Where can I get it? As I like this plant I searched for Selginella and found this old post. Atleast now I know it should be available in the city.

Thank you for providing the ID for such an old pending post. Actually I found this plant cultivated in a garden in Mumbai 2 years ago, I do not know the current state of the plant and I am not in a position to revisit the site as well. Hope, you do find this fern soon.

Thanks, … for the response. If it is a public garden can you pls give me the name and area. Let me try out trusted google 🙂 Though this plant is not native to India looks like people have planted it in Mumbai.

I’m afraid …, that is not a public garden, it belongs to the company I used to work earlier, now do not have entry into the premises.