Diplacus aurantiacus (W. Curtis) Jepson, Man. Fl. Pl. Calif. 918 1925. (syn: Diplacus glutinosus (J.C. Wendl.) Nutt.; Diplacus glutinosus var. aurantiacus (W. Curtis) Lindl.; Diplacus glutinosus var. pubescens Torr.; Diplacus latifolius (A.Gray) G.L.Nesom; Mimulus aurantiacus W. Curtis; Mimulus aurantiacus var. pubescens (Torr.) D.M.Thomps.; Mimulus glutinosus J.C. Wendl.; Mimulus latifolius A. Gray) as per Catalogue of Life;    
USA (California, Oregon), Mexico (Baja California Norte) as per Catalogue of Life;

Mimulus aurantiacus, the sticky monkey-flower or orange bush monkey-flower, is a flowering plant that grows in a subshrub form, native to southwestern North America from southwestern Oregon south through most of California. It is treated by some botanists in a separate genus from other Mimulus as Diplacus aurantiacus.[1] 

Mimulus aurantiacus grows up to 1.2 meters-4 feet tall, has deep green sticky leaves 3 to 7 cm long and up to a centimeter broad and flowering stems that grow vertically.[2] The flowers are tubular at the base and about 2 centimeters long with five broad lobes; they occur in a variety of shades from white to red, the most common color being a light orange. They are honey plants pollinated by bees and hummingbirds.
It grows in many climates and will thrive in many types of soil, wet, dry, sandy, or rocky. It even grows in serpentine, a soil that most plants have difficulty thriving in because of its unique mineral composition.
Mimulus aurantiacus is a host plant for the checkerspot butterfly.[3][4] It is common to see checkerspot butterfly caterpillars on this plant.
Species and cultivars are used in water conserving, native plant, and habitat gardens. 
(From Wikipedia on 20.8.13)

Mimulus aurantiacus Curtis, Bot. Mag. 10: t. 354. 1796

Common names: bush monkeyflower; orange bush monkeyflower
A shrubby plant with naorrowly oblong to lanceolate up to 5 cm long leaves, often becoming revolute, pubescent beneath; flowers yellow 25-40 mm long, short pedicelled with exserted stamens.
Photographed from California.


Requesting ID of this plant with yellow flowers captured in San Francisco, USA in May 2013.

Mimulus auarantiacus I hope

Thank you …

Attached are pictures of what I found on googling to be Mimulus aurantiacus captured in San Francisco, Chicago , USA in May 2013.
Could you please confirm the ID?