Rhodiola fui Boriss. In Novit. Syst. Pl. Vasc. Acad. Sci. USSR 6: 114. 1969. Singh et al., Crassulaceae India 98. 2011. as per efi thread;

Flora of Chakrata 2013- Sedum oreades for validation :  Attachments (4). 7 posts by 3 authors.
This small spreading herb with succulent leaves was shot from near Deoban in Chakrata…
please suggest if this is Sedum oreades or otherwise..

Sedum oreades has yellow flowers and usually occur in alpine zones (above 3200m) in Uttarakhand.

Thanks a lot for this info …, I apologize for posting this despite having found Sedum oreades at valley of flowers.. id help still requested..

Sedum species in efi so far.

It looks like Rhodiola fui.


Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight:: Crassulaceae:: Rhodiola from Chakrata for id- NS 48 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
I am posting this lithophyte from Chakrata, was posted earlier, id is still awaited, i hope this can be a Rhodiola sp.

Rhodiola sinuata (syn: Sedum linearifolium). I hope

Thanks Sir for id suggestion..

Rhodiola fui as per another threads 1 & threads 2

These are same as in thread-1.
Must be R.fui.


Sedum oreades ABSEP2016/10 : 6 posts by 3 authors. 5 images.
About twenty minutes walk up from Triund there is a small Hindu temple on the wall of which I found these growing. The whites, pinks and greens covered the wall in patches. I think this is Sedum oreades. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Sedum oreadesMountain Sedum
Above Triund, HP
3000m approx.
03-04 September 2016

Superb presentation.

Not S.oreades. Some other species.

Thank you once again … Could you please suggest a possibility or two?

I could not match with any of the species as per comparative images at Sedum 

Rhodiola sinuata (Royle ex Edgew.) S. H. Fu as per images herein.

I agree with … that this is not Sedum oreades. It is a Rhodiola.
I do not consider it comes close to Rhodiola sinuata.  This was known as Sedum linearifolium by Collet who recorded it on rocks at Matiana and ‘The Chor’.

Stewart had one record of it (also as Sedum linearifolium var. sinuatum from East Kashmir commenting it was usually found further East).

Best if I draw attention to a scanned in slide of what is understood to be Rhodiola sinuata taken by Adam Stainton (co-author of ‘Flowers of the Himalaya’) in Nepal more than 40 years ago available through  Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh (UK) see: http://elmer.rbge.org.uk/bgbase/specimen291129. This image agrees with my present understanding of the species – note the much flatter foliage. Reliable images of this species (like so many others) are hard to find.

Thank you once again … I am not sure what characteristics are needed to confidently identify it, but I will wait for it to flower next year and collect more evidence.

Thank you for the link. It does appear different with longer and flatter needle-like leaves. Do we have another possibility for my sample?

It is more closer to Sedum linearifolium. This species (S.linearifolium) is mentioned as a synonym of Rhodiola sinuata which is quite different from it. Flora of Gangotri National Park by Pusalkar & Singh (2012) show this species as Rhodiola fui Boriss. with a distribution in Western Himalaya, Nepal and China.

Thanks, …, All the following links give Sedum linearifolium as a syn. of Rhodiola sinuata:

May I request you to pl. give details of accepted names of these two different species & their synonyms as per Flora of Gangotri National Park by Pusalkar & Singh (2012) 

… I am not comfortable with nomenclatural technicalities regarding this plant.
As per the Pusalkar & Singh 2012:
Rhodiola fui Boriss. in Novit. Syst. Pl. Vasc. Acad. Sci. URSS 6: 114. 1969. is where it was named.
And this plant is different from R. sinuata (Royle ex Edgew.) S.H.Fu (synonym Sedum linearifolium, Sedum trifidum, Rhodiola linearifolia (Royle) S.H.Fu) which have sinuately lobed leaves.
In our case leaves are without such lobation.
TPL, Nepal’s Checklist etc and many others have these two different plants under the same name but Singh, N.B., Bhattacharyya, U.C. and Uniyal B.P. in Crassulaceae of India treat them separate which is followed by Pusalkar and Singh (2012). Since I do not have Crassulaceae of India, can not say more on this.

Fwd: Rhodiola fui and Rhodiola sinuata: 5 posts by 3 authors. 3 correct images.
I have just come across some images of Rhodiola sent to me by the late Krishan Lal. I do not have any current means of verifying his identifications (though I believe he had input from others) but I consider it would be useful to share them with members for reference purposes.  Krishan himself posted his thoughts but did not send these images.
We always need to remember that Rhodiola is an EXTREMELY troublesome genus identification and nomenclature-wise. The more images we have the better, along with considered suggestions as to identifications.
I do not currently have the time to take a serious look at Rhodiola in the Himalaya, so cannot comment further at this stage.
Let me begin with images Krishan considered to be Rhodiola fui and R.sinuata (see attached):
Numbers 1-3 he felt was R.fui he photographed on Chor, Sirmaur Dist., HP
Number 4 he felt was R.sinuata photographed at Haripurdar, HP
They certainly look different.
Also see:

Thanks, … First three may be Ok, fourth looks like Rhodiola trifida to me as per images herein. Pl. correct me if I am wrong.

As I indicated in my post, I cannot vouch for/verify the idents suggested by Krishan or comment meaningfully. WHEN (IF) I get the opportunity to scrutinise Rhodiola further, then I shall share my thoughts.

Now I have Crassulaceae of India (Singh et al. 2011). According to which Rhodiola fui Boriss. and Rhodiola sinuata (Royle ex Edgew.) Fu are two distinct and different species. Rhodiola trifida (Wall. ex Clarke) Jacobson is considered same as R. sinuata (Royle ex Edgew.) Fu, and therefore, becomes a synonym of R. sinuata (Royle ex Edgew.) Fu. Though The Plant List 2013 still mention (probably ignorant of Singh et al.2011) R. sinuata and R. trifida as two accepted names and separate species.
Further, R. fui and R. sinuata are differentiated in the keys as follows:
Leaves linear or slightly denticulate; petals broad ovate, 8-13×2-4.5mm; stamens shorter than petals; follicles 7-12 (-14) mm long …….. R. fui
Leaves oblanceolate, broadly lobulate; petals narrowly triangular, 5-7 (-8)x1-2.5mm; stamens longer than petals; follicles 6-8mm long ….. R. sinuata (= R.trifida)
In present case the identity given by Late Shri Krishan Lal Ji seems correct and clearly differentiates these two species.
In eFI all the uploads compiled under R. trifida need to be moved to R. sinuata based on the reference:
Singh, N.B., Bhattacharyya, U.C. and Uniyal, B.P. 2011. Crassulaceae of India. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun. 310pp.
Uploads compiled under R. sinuata need to be re-checked and some (listed below) should be moved to R. fui (The page for this species need to be created):
Rhodiola fui Boriss. In Novit. Syst. Pl. Vasc. Acad. Sci. USSR 6: 114. 1969. Singh et al., Crassulaceae India 98. 2011.

Thanks, …, for this important clarification. I will do the needful within a few weeks.


Sedum for ID :: Govindghat-Ghangaria, Uttarakhand :: Aug 2018 :: ARKOCT-04 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
Requested to please ID these flowers seen in a couple of places along the Govindghat-Ghangaria trail, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018.
Is this some Rhodiola?

Rhodiola sinuata ?

Comparative images available at /species/a—l/cl/crassulaceae/rhodiola

I think close to images at Rhodiola fui Boriss. rather than those at Rhodiola sinuata (Royle ex Edgew.) Fu as leaves are different.

agree with …

Thanks … for correct ID

