Allium stracheyi Baker, J. Bot. 12: 293 1874. (Syn: Allium longistaminum Royle [Invalid]); 

by D.S.Rawat



Bulb – raw or cooked. Leaves – raw or cooked. Dried and used as a flavouring[177]. Flowers – raw. Used as a garnish on salads. 

Although no specific mention of medicinal uses has been seen for this species, members of this genus are in general very healthy additions to the diet. They contain sulphur compounds (which give them their onion flavour) and when added to the diet on a regular basis they help reduce blood cholesterol levels, act as a tonic to the digestive system and also tonify the circulatory system[K]. 
The juice of the plant is used as a moth repellent. The whole plant is said to repel insects and moles[20]. 
(From PFAF )

Allium cepa (Onion) may be the costly edible nowadays but there is another Allium which is many times more costly than Onion every year.
This species of Allium (A.stracheyi Baker) is an exclusive Himalayan herb growing only in high altitudes.
Flowers of this tiny herb are picked and dried to be used as a spice known as ‘Pharan’ in Uttarakhand. Pure material is costlier than Rs 1000 per kg but most often adulterated by flowers of another Allium species known locally as ‘Laddoo’, thus becoming a little cheaper.
This plant material is mainly collected from wild but few farmers are also trying its cultivation. Mainly collected by Bhotias from Uttarakhand this species has been included in Red Data Book of Indian Plants due to its indiscriminate collection and consequent threat to its survival.
Photographed in Nilkanth base valley at about 3400m near Badrinath.

…, one of the excellent capture i have ever seen. Thanks for sharing.

Yes … We had photographed it in medicinal plants nursery in our June trip to Uttarakhand.

Flora of Pakistan gives- Allium consanguineum Kunth, Enum. 4:431. 1843. Hook.f.,F1.Brit. Ind.6:340. 1892, including Allium stracheyi Baker in Jr. Bot. 293.1874.
What does it actually mean?
Wonderful presentation, …, anyway.

Though in FL of Pak., Nasir 1975 (Flora of Pakistan is an old document of 1970s now available as online document) merged A.stracheyi Baker with A.consanguineum Kunth., but it is a distinct species for having shorter pedicels (3-5 mm long) and narrower leaves (1-2mm). It is also a distinct species in Plant List and the most recent document on Alliaceae, Liliaceae, Trilliaceae, Uvulariaceae of India (Singh & Sanjappa 2006; Fascicles of Flora of India Fascicle-23, by BSI). This document is available as hard copy only. Here I have followed this not Fl of Pakistan.

Thanks a lot, …, for clarifying the matter.




The Plant List  GRIN  Flora of Pakistan (Allium consanguineum Kunth, Enum. 4:431. 1843. Hook.f.,F1.Brit.
Ind.6:340. 1892, including Allium stracheyi Baker in Jr. Bot. 293.1874.) India Biodiversity Portal  PFAF