Stellaria himalayensis Majumdar, J. Ind. B. S. 44: 141 (1965),
‘himalayense’. (Syn: Leucostemma
latifolium Benth. ex G. Don
; Stellaria
latifolia (Benth. ex Royle) Edgew. & Hook. f.


Chakrata Tour 2013:: Herb for id.. : Attachments (3). 2 posts by 2 authors.
There were no flowers or fruits on this spreading/clinging herb found at an extremely wet and shade place, still this attracted me… sharing the pics for id help…

Though there are no flowers, it reminds me Stellaria himalayensis Majumdar (Caryophyllaceae).






Family: Caryophyllaceae
Date: 26th May 2015
Place: Churdhar Sanctuary, Himachal Pradesh

Habit: Herb
Altitude: 2800 metres above sea level

Two species of tetramerous Stellaria are known in W.Himalaya- S. himalayensis and S. webbiana. It is not S.webbiana and goes to S.himalayensis (=S.latifolia). Interestingly, S. latifolia has two different shapes of leaves- upper lanceolate and lower cordate as seen in-
Lower cordate leaves are not visible in your pics but can be seen in … upload from Chakrata!topic/indiantreepix/TE-Ofec3QCo

Thank you very much sir.

Yes, I made the blunder of not clicking the entire plant up close. 

I share the habit pics from same locality i.e. Churdhar if they help to conclude…

…, the herb in the link provided in your message was shot from Chakrata area, I cannot be sure if this can be same, unless I get that one in flowering..
Anyways, the pics of Stellaria himalayensis from Churdhar are attached.. 
Attachments (2)

Yes …; it is S.himalayensis. I referred your Chakrata mail intentionally as it has cordate broad leaves. Both types of leaves can be seen in the herbweb image in another link in the post.





Caryophyllaceae week: Cerastium sp. 2 from Dalhousie: 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7) 
This was shot from Dalhousie in November 2011…any Cerastium sp.. help in id needed.. sorry to have only one picture poorly showing the leaves..

I think same Myosoton aquaticum from more dry habitat.

To me it looks different from images at Stellaria aquatica 

Sorry, Id may be Ok as Stellaria aquatica

To me it is some Stellaria species (not S.aquatica as leaves are entirely different) but never seen or collected in Uttarakhand.

Thanks, … I was also confused.

It appears close to images at Stellaria himalayensis Majumdar 


