India (Arurnachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya), Indochina, Myanmar as per Synopsis of the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) in India Lal Babu Chaudhary*, Jana Venkata Sudhakar, Anoop Kumar, Omesh Bajpai, Rinkey Tiwari and G. V. S. Murthy-   Taiwania, 57(2): 193-216, 2012;






Request Tree ID 141 – Bangalore – RA : Attachments (8).  6 posts by 4 authors.
I never saw flowers or fruits

I think any ornamental Ficus sp

Ficus alii 

 It may be Ficus maclellandii as per Wikipedia:
Ficus maclellandii (common name Alii Fig or Banana-Leaf Fig) is a species of fig plant native to India, Southeast Asia and China. It is an evergreen often grown as a houseplant in temperate climates. The leaves are 8-13 cm and uniquely dimorphic; with narrow leaves on the lower, sterile branches and broader leaves on the higher branches. The most common cultivar is ‘Alii’ which was originally introduced in Hawaii. In the past this cultivar was often misidentified as F. binnendijkii or under the spurious name Ficus longifolia. Research by Berg in 2007 rectified this.” 
Other relevant links:

[efloraofindia:33818] Ficus binnendijkii ‘Alii’ from Delhi Attachments (2). 9 posts by 7 authors.
Ficus binnendijkii ‘Alii’ from Delhi. Must have seen this plant earlier also and passed it off as Salix or Polalthia. Today I noticed terminal elongated bud scales that reminded of Ficus and cut leaf oozed milky latex. It turned out to be Ficus binnendijkii cultivar Alii.
Interestingly when I had final confirmation of identification from Trees of Delhi by Pradip Kishen, I read similar observation: “not easily recognised as fig tree until you notice its leaf-buds and milky latex”. He further wrights: “This is a patented, man-made hybrid, introduced recently into India as indoor plant, but it does well outside too….does not seem to produce figs in Delhi” 
I will be on lookout to see if it produces inflorescence (figs) and post it, till then only vegetative plant

This is a common plant in South Florida, USA. It is often used as a large hedge/screening plant. It tends to grow as a multi-trunked specimen, especially if grown from tissue culture. 
F. binnendijkii ‘Amstel King’ has broader foliage, usually with pink-tinged new growth (absent in F. b. ‘Alii’). ‘Amstel King’ can become a large, single-trunked tree.
Neither cutivar can take much cold (less than F. benjamina, F. microcarpa). Both are difficult to grow to size in Southern California, USA.

Sir there is one tree of Ficus ‘Alii’ at Sagar upvan, Mumbai. 

It may be Ficus maclellandii as per Wikipedia:
Ficus maclellandii (common name Alii Fig or Banana-Leaf Fig) is a species of fig plant native to India, Southeast Asia and China. It is an evergreen often grown as a houseplant in temperate climates. The leaves are 8-13 cm and uniquely dimorphic; with narrow leaves on the lower, sterile branches and broader leaves on the higher branches. The most common cultivar is ‘Alii’ which was originally introduced in Hawaii. In the past this cultivar was often misidentified as F. binnendijkii or under the spurious name Ficus longifolia. Research by Berg in 2007 rectified this.” 
Other relevant links:

New to me Sir. Thanks for showing.

It also resembles with Ficus irregularis as given in Graf’s Hortica.

I will check stipules on the tree tomorrow and report back. The two are very closely related species, both accepted names and differ in stipules being glabrous in Ficus-binnendijkii and hairy in Ficus maclellandii.


Help in the difference : 3 posts by 3 authors.
Can anyone please help me find a difference and hence the correct field identification between Ficus binnendijkii and Ficus longifolia. are they same of different? if they are different then what is the difference between the two.

This should be useful

efi thread



Requesting to please ID this plant captured at Jijamata Udyan in Aug 2014. Is it some Ficus species?

Ficus maclellandii King



Ficus sp ATFEB2016/07 : 11 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Kindly identify this Ficus sp.

I got it.  It is Ficus longifolia.
Again new on efloraindia.

Forwarding for validation as Ficus longifolia as not listed under Synopsis of the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) in India – Lal Babu Chaudhary*, Jana Venkata Sudhakar, Anoop Kumar, Omesh Bajpai, Rinkey Tiwari and G. V. S. Murthy-   Taiwania, 57(2): 193-216, 2012

Got one more species of Ficus (F. nemoralis), which I’ll post next time.

These photographs are belong to Ficus maclellandii King.

Thank you very much.
I am not able to understand the difference between F. longifolia, F. binnendijkii and F. maclellandii.
Actually, I contacted the former garden incharge of Government Nursary in Sector 23, Chandigarh, who had planted this tree. He is my friend Dr. Harjit Singh Dhillon, author of the book “Trees of Chandigarh”.
They have planted it as Ficus longifolia. Kindly also have a look on the following links:

Thanks, …, … is one of the author of  Synopsis of the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) in India – Lal Babu Chaudhary*, Jana Venkata Sudhakar, Anoop Kumar, Omesh Bajpai, Rinkey Tiwari and G. V. S. Murthy-   Taiwania, 57(2): 193-216, 2012

Please read this paper by C. C. Berg and know more about this species. Attachments (1) – Ficus paper.pdf

Thank you for providing these very informative papers. So, it is clear that most ornamental Ficus longifolia are either Ficus binnendijkii (stipules glabrous) or Ficus maclellandii (hairs on stipules). Also went through an important discussion by … on efloraindia.

The photographs are identified as Ficus binnendijki (Miq.) Miq.
Planted in Gardens and Plains. Wild in forests of Borneo, Java, Malay Peninsula and Sumatra.

Thanks … But it was identified earlier as Ficus maclellandii King. by

It is definitely not Ficus maclellandii King.

Thanks, … May I request you to pl. kindly check other images at Ficus maclellandii as all our posts from India till now has been identified as such.

I will check and inform you shortly 

Ficus tree for species identification..from Lahore Pakistan : 12 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)

I captured these photos from my university.. i know its Ficus but species is not known.. These are photos of three different trees but all are same.. Thankyou

These photographs are Ficus maclellandii King. 

The photographs belongs to Ficus longifolia Schott and Ficus binnendijkii Miq. complex. Need further study with specimens for final confirmation.

This should be Ficus neriifolia Sm. as per Flora of Pakistan, I think few of specimen trees are present in GC University Lahore, Pakistan and herbarium specimens are present in Dr. Sultan Ahmad Herbarium.

Leaf venation represents that this is Ficus maclellandii for the link below.!topic/indiantreepix/HcddR2Ycu4k



Ficus ID from Bangladesh_SM299 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

Location: Park, Dhaka City
Ficus celebensis ?

Photos are temporarily identified as Ficus binnendijkii (Miq.) Miq./ Ficus maclellandii King. Specimens should be verified for final confirmation.



What trees is this – Ficus … : 10 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- 1 mb and 4 mb. 

Can you help me in identifying this tree?
It’s leaves are shaped like Eucalyptus, but has hanging roots like Ficus benjamina.

Difficult to say with these distant shots.
If you have better images, pl. post.

It’s inside an official compound with photography restricted. Hence have to take distant shots.


I got a close-up picture of the tree. I hope now you would​ be able​ to help in identifying it.
Attachments (1)

Is it ficus binnendijkii by any chance?

This is Ficus maclellandii King



Parasitic plant(?) from Assam KD 05,Mar’18 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Attached images are unknown plant. It grows on the trunk of Tectona grandis. Please ID the plant. 
Date :17.02.2018
Location: Assam
Family : ??
Genus & species : ??
Habitat: Grows wild on the trunk of Tectona grandis. May be parasitic or hemiepiphyte.
Habit : Shrub
Flower : Not seen

It is surely a Ficus species. Pl. check for Ficus maclellandii. 

Thanks, …, for id.
To me also appear close to images at Ficus maclellandii

This is Ficus maclellandii King

Images are close to Ficus maclellandi. Figs require for final confirmation.



Mumbai, MH :: Ficus maclellandii for validation :: ARK2019-117 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)

Seen this tree in Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai in April 2015.
Had also seen this at a Plant exhibition at VJTI, Mumbai in Jan 2015. Attaching both sets of pics.
Is this Ficus maclellandii? The label at the Plant exhibition read F. binnendijkii Alii. Requesting to please provide ID.

banana leaf ficus. seems both are same per this thread ? 

This one, I think is what is popularly known as Ficus longifolia, though knowledgeable people say it is wrong name, correct name is Ficus maclellandii …I had accessed a paper which claimed to sort out this confusion, declaring them being two distinct species, but it failed to provide clear cut differences, at least to me. 

Thanks, … Let us keep it as Ficus maclellandii only for the time being, as our other posts, till we get some more clarity.