Indian Subcontionent to Central Nansei-shoto and Central Malesia: China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, India, Laos, Nansei-shoto, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Sulawesi, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO;
English Jeevak
Malayalam Jeevakam

Terrestrial herbs, with swollen base. Leaves 7-8.5 x 2.5-3 cm, elliptic or ovate, acute. Scape about 20 cm; bracts 4 x 1 mm, lanceolate, acuminate, 1-veined. Flowers purple, 1 x 0.5 cm; dorsal sepal obovate, obtuse, 5-veined; lateral sepals broadly ovate, obtuse, 5-veined; petals linear, retuse at apex, 1-veined; lip auricled, apex bilobulate, obtuse; margin with a constriction, subapically; disc with purple oval fovea.

Flowering and fruiting: April-May
ORCHIDACEAE Fortnight: Malaxis acuminata from Uttarakhand DSR_21 : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 4 authors.
Malaxis acuminata D.Don is a frequent rainy season terrestrial orchid in Uttarakhand.
Pseudobulbs of all Malaxis spp. are medicinally important.
Photographed near Jeolikot, Uttarakhand.

No no, this is Malaxis purpurea I think. The lobes on the top have a bit of constricted base. This has been long misunderstood species.
I am trying to resolve this, but unfortunately I cant get plant from India parcelled to HK. It is illegal :(.

Attachments (3). 8 posts by 7 authors.
Crepidium purpureum (Lindl.) Szlach., Fragm. Florist. Geobot., Suppl. 3: 131 (1995).
Microstylis purpurea Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 20 (1830).
Malaxis purpurea (Lindl.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 673 (1891).
Microstylis wallichii var. biloba King & Pantl., Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) 8: 16 (1898).
Malaxis rizalensis Ames, Philipp. J. Sci., C 6: 46 (1911).
Malaxis liparidioides Tang & F.T.Wang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 72 (1951), nom. illeg.
Crepidium rizalense (Ames) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones, Lasianthera 1: 40 (1996).
Distribution: India to S. China and Philippines

… fantastic uploads dear …! And more in progress. And perhaps you may not finish uploading your collection until stroke of coming midnight! I am guessing this family episode will be remembered for max number of uploads as well as max number of participants, and max number of uploads by one participant — that is you!

Yes, i am really enjoying this Orchidaceae Fortnight.. So many beautiful uploads by … and also by other members… Great show..

Brilliant shots! I agree with … views… this is one of the richest episodes!

Very nice shots … This seems the typical Malaxis purpurea (now Crepidium purpureum). I have also seen this purple form here around Jeolikot but no pics now. A little inquiry here….please see and compare this species from Uttarakhand and Hong Kong in attached world file…they look different in floral morphology.
Attachments (1)

Thanks so much for your comments.
Yes … your plant is Crepidium purpureum.

This is surely Crepidium purpureum.

Even the pics uploaded by … are different colour forms of Crepidium purpureum.


Crepidium purpureum SK : 4 posts by 1 author.
Some close-ups of Malaxis acuminata.

But this is a different flower. Not the one  you shared yesterday, right?

It is same but different plant at different location.

No sir. This is Crepidium purpureum. You can see the midlobe which is pointing upwards, has a constriction on the sides. This is the typical character of purpureum. I dont know if you are following Raskoti’s Orchids of Nepal, but if you are, then he has made lot of mistakes there too.

Thanks for sharing.
I am sharing my image for clarification. B. Crepidium purpureum (dont worry about the colour; C. Crepidium acuminatum.
2 images.

This is Crepidium purpureum.
…, can you please send me high resolution images of these?

Orchid for ID:
Please identify this orchid species, at first I think it is Crepidium acuminatum (D.Don) Szlach. but it is differ from Crepidium acuminatum.
Is it Crepidium acuminatum or not… I take this phto today and Crepidium acuminatum also flowering in Assam in this time.

I have slight doubts if this is Malaxis purpurea (Crepidium purpureum).

This is surely Crepidium purpureum. Very strange with tiny flowers or may be bracts are longer. Cant make out of the size.


Fwd: Sharing Malaxis acuminata : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)
Sharing some pictures of Malaxis acuminata D. Don.
Hope you would like.

Some close-ups of Malaxis acuminata.

But this is a different flower. Not the one you shared yesterday, right?

It is same but different plant at different location.

No sir.

This is Crepidium purpureum. You can see the midlobe which is pointing upwards, has a constriction on the sides. This is the typical character of purpureum. I dont know if you are following Raskoti’s Orchids of Nepal, but if you are, then he has made lot of mistakes there too.
Thanks for sharing.
I am sharing my image for clarification. B. Crepidium purpureum (dont worry about the colour; C. Crepidium acuminatum.

Thank you for the clarification. But Crepidium is syn of Malaxis , isn’t it?
Looks like I need to send these pictures to you once again for clarity.

Yes Some Malaxis are now Crepidium but not all.
Malaxis acuminata and purpurea are now Crepidium acuminatum and purpureum.


SK 2986 24 September 2021:
Location: Kalikot, West Nepal
Altitude: 1900 m.
Date: 14 August 2021
Habit : Wild
Crepidium acuminatum (D.Don) Szlach. ??

I am pretty sure this is Crepidium purpureum.