Euphorbia characias L., Sp. Pl. 463 1753. (Syn: Esula characias (L.) Haw.; Tithymalus characias (L.) Hill;
            Characias purpurea Gray;  Euphorbia characias var. eriocarpa (Bertol.) Nyman;  Euphorbia characias var. lusitanica O.Bolòs; Euphorbia characias var. veneta (Willd.) Fiori; Euphorbia characias subsp. veneta (Willd.) Litard.; Euphorbia cretica Mill.; Euphorbia cuatrecasasii Pau; Euphorbia eriocarpa Bertol.; Euphorbia rubens Chaix; Euphorbia veneta Willd.;  Galarhoeus creticus (Mill.) Haw.; Tithymalus purpureus Lam.; Tithymalus serotina Raf.; Tithymalus venetus (Willd.) Klotzsch & Garcke);
Medit.: Albania, Baleares, Corse, East Aegean Is., France, Greece, Italy, Kriti, Libya, Morocco, Portugal, Sardegna, Sicilia, Spain, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Yugoslavia; Introduced into: Argentina Northeast, Germany, New Zealand North, New Zealand South as per POWO;

Images by Gurcharan Singh, (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)



Euphorbiaceae Fortnight: Euphorbia characias L. ‘Silver Swan’ from California-GS-10 :  Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author.
Euphorbia characias L. ‘Silver Swan’, an ornmental woody based perennial often forming small shrubby clumps with lanceolate leaves in close spirals. This cultivar has silver grey variegated leaves.
Photographed from California.  

Euphorbia characias L. ‘Tasmanian Tiger’, an ornmental woody based perennial often forming small shrubby clumps with lanceolate leaves in close spirals. This cultivar has silver grey leaves edged with yellow.
Photographed from California.  

Euphorbia characias L. ‘Silver Swan’, an ornmental woody based perennial often forming small shrubby clumps with lanceolate leaves in close spirals. This cultivar has silver grey variegated leaves.
Photographed from California.  


SK 3409 17 April 2022: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Gorran Haven, St. Austell, UK
Altitude: 43m.
Date: 02 April 2022

Habit : Cultivated

Euphorbia characias L. ??

Euphorbia characias. … common name spurge.
Maybe Euphorbia characias Black Pearl.
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