Euphorbia luteoviridis D.G.Long, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 44: 163 1986. ;

Images by D.S.Rawat – Id by N.P.Balakrishnan, (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)



This strictly wild Euphorbia was shot near Munsyari at the altitude of 2800m.
It resemble to E.wallichii Hook.f. but I am not sure.
Hope the experts will be able to determine exact ID.

I think that this is Euphorbia luteo-viridis D.G.Long, which is characterised by scale-like leaves on main stem, distinct veins and yellowish tinged leaves around the cyathia.

E. luteoviridis and E. wallichii are two different species in Plant List 2010 but in Flora of China E.luteoviridis reduced to synonym of E.wallichii.

However, I am taking it as E.luteoviridis.
Thanks to you and to … Sir for providing this identification.




The Plant List