Zehneria hookeriana (Wight& Arn.) Arn., J. Bot. (Hooker) 3: 275 1841. ;  
As per efi thread:
W.J.J.O. DE WILDE & B.E.E. DUYFJES in THAI FOR. BULL. (BOT.) 32: 15–31. 2004 write:
1. Zehneria maysorensis (Wight & Arn.) Arn. Type: S India, Wallich 6702 A–D, Wight 1116.— Zehneria maysorensis (Wight & Arn.) Arn. var. oblonga V. P. Prasad & M. Prasad, J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 17 (2): 471. 1993. Type: S India, Vivekananthan 45710 (MH, not seen).— Monoecious or dioecious. Ovary and fruit ellipsoid, longer than broad. Distribution: confined to southern peninsular India, at low altitudes.
2. Zehneria bodinieri (Lévl.) W. J. de Wilde & Duyfjes. Lecotype: China, Bodinier 1957 (E).— Monoecious. Ovary and fruit globose. Distribution: widespread, in Sri Lanka and southern peninsular India, and from N India to S China, Indochina and Malesia, at low and medium altitudes
3. Zehneria hookeriana (Wight & Arn.) Arn. Type: S India, Wight 1117.—Monoecious. Ovary and fruit globose. Distribution: endemic to southern India, in montane area.
As per efi thread:
Zehneria hookeriana (Wight& Arn.) Arn. differs from its allied species, Z. bodinieri, by having longer fruiting pedicel and peduncle; and fruit mostly several on common peduncle.

This is endemic to Tamil Nadu and occurs in the high altitudes.

De Wilde WJJO, Duyfjes BEE (2004). Zehneria (Cucurbitaceae) in Thailand, with a note on the Indian Zehneria maysorensis. Thai Forest Bulletin, Botany 32: 15–31.
De Wilde WJJO, Duyfjes BEE (2006). Redefinition of Zehneria and four new related genera (Cucurbitaceae), with an enumeration of the Australasian and Pacific species. Blumea 51: 1–88. doi: 10.3767/000651906X622346

Renner SS, Pandey AK (2013). The Cucurbitaceae of India: Accepted names, synonyms, geographic distribution, and information on images and DNA sequences. PhytoKeys 20: 53–118.

Requesting to please ID this plant captured growing on the roadside in Ooty in November 2013.

Melothria sp

I agree with … ‘s ID: Zehneria hookeriana (Wight& Arn.) Arn.




Climber from Ooty for id 070311MK1: Please help to id this climber found on roadside fences at Ooty town, Nilgiris.
Date/Time- 06-12-2011 / 04:45 PM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPca.2100asl; Ooty, TN
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- roadside fence
Plant Habit-climber herb
Height/Length- 2 -3 m long
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- ca.10 x 8 cm; lobed
Inflorescence Type/ Size- axillary raceme
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- creamy; c. 0.6 cm across
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- c. 08 cm across

… reminds me of Zehneria.

Zehneria scabra??



Attaching pics of mature fruits here in the same place at Ooty. What is this Zehrina sp.?

Date: 18 April 2011.
2 extra images.

– Some information about Zehneria … http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zehneria

– This climber is Zehneria scabra (L.f.) Sond. of Cucurbitaceae.

Feedback from another thread:

I have been somewhat confused about the status of Zehneria scabra, uploaded by several members including …, … and other members from Kas
These confusions are often confounded by the absence of author citations. Strange as it may look Zehneria scabra (L.f.) Sond (Swedeish name flikig pilreva), and Melothria scabra Naudin (Swedish name djungelgurka), are two distinct species, often confused on net, as Melothria is an important species with good looking mini watermelon like fruits, and none look similar to our Kas plants. and as such names Cape zehneria, South African Zehneria won’t apply to our Kas plant.
My doubts are supported by recent nomenclature update by Renner and Pandey in 2013
They do not list Zehneria scabra for India, and Melothria perpusilla (Blume) Cogn. is cited as synonym of Zehneria perpusilla (Bl.) Bole and Almeida…….but as per citation this species does not grown in India.
The other name often cited as synonym of Melothria perpusilla is correctly Zehneria hookeriana (Wight & Arn) Arn, is endemic to Tamil Nadu
This leaves third name Zehneria maysorensis (Wight & Arn.) Arn. found in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Maharashtra.
Could it be our plant from Kas???

I think we finally have Zehneria hookeriana (Wight& Arn.) Arn. here.
This differs from its allied species, Z. bodinieri, by having longer fruiting pedicel and peduncle; and fruit mostly several on common peduncle.

This is endemic to Tamil Nadu and occurs in the high altitudes.

De Wilde WJJO, Duyfjes BEE (2004). Zehneria (Cucurbitaceae) in Thailand, with a note on the Indian Zehneria maysorensis. Thai Forest Bulletin, Botany 32: 15–31.
De Wilde WJJO, Duyfjes BEE (2006). Redefinition of Zehneria and four new related genera (Cucurbitaceae), with an enumeration of the Australasian and Pacific species. Blumea 51: 1–88. doi: 10.3767/000651906X622346

Renner SS, Pandey AK (2013). The Cucurbitaceae of India: Accepted names, synonyms, geographic distribution, and information on images and DNA sequences. PhytoKeys 20: 53–118.



efi thread  The Plant List (Unresolved)  Encyclopedia of Life (Specimen) Plant illustrations 

Flora of Eastern Ghats: Hill Ranges of South East India, Volume 3 By T. Pullaiah, K. Sri Ramamurthy (2007- Description with Keys of Zehneria scabra & Zehneria maysorensis)