

identification no281113sn1 : Attachments (6). 15 posts by 7 authors.
Kindly help in Id. is it Crassocephalum crepidiodes?
location:ambyvalley rd.,lonavala,pune
plant habit:shrub
height:about 3ft.

Yes from my side for Crassocephalum crepidioides… a fast spreading weed…

Looks like Emilia sp,
Emilia sonchiifolia.

Doesn’t Crassocephalum crepidiodes have nodding heads? And I think Emila sonchifolia has purple flowers.
Can it be Gynura sp? The leaves look like Gynura.

No, not Gynura but if I am missing something please bring it to my notice … Not sure if flower color is a ‘key’ character

please see this link
I have a plant exactly like this one posted by Satish and had identified it tentatively as Gynura bicolor. Perhaps I’m completely wrong. It’s hard for me to upload due to poor connection.

Just found this in Fl of Mah BSI vol 2 p 219:
Gynura bicolor
Undershrubs, 1-2m high, stem grooved. Leaves distinctly toothed, variable, auricled or attenuated at base. Heads deep orange in corymbs. Pappus copious, white, longer than bracts but shorter than corolla. Achenes oblong, glabrous, rarely papillose between ribs.

I too think it to be closer to Gynura bicolor.

I think Emilia sonchifolia

1. Leaf base is dinstinctly auriculate (not so in Gynura bicolor or Crassocephalum crepidioides).
2. Gynura bicolor leaves are much different
3. There is more of pink and less of orange in flower heads.

It may not be Gynura, although BSI tells us the leaves are distinctly toothed, variable, auricled or attenuated at base.
I am doubtful that it could be Emilia. It is a common plant in our area and usually smaller and more slender.
Please see these links.

Gynura amplexicaulis a new record for India

Thank you to … This is a great help.
Here is the link to his paper regarding the plant.

http://www.iaat.org.in/Rheedea19_59-60.pdf is not opening.
Could you pl. send me a copy as there is some confusion between Gynura amplexicaulis & Gynura cusimbua ?

see if this works. Attachments (1)– Gynura amplexicaulis Rheedea19_59-60.pdf- 1 MB


Gynura amplexicaulis—–for sharing and validation : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.
Pic taken at ambyvalley rd., lonavala, pune in dec12.


Gynura amplexicaulis—-for sharing and validation(Repost) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4).
Reposting as it seems you have not received it earlier.
Pic taken at ambyvalley rd., lonavala, pune in oct 13.

Requesting to please validate ID of this Asteraceae member captured near Satara, Maharashtra in October 2014.
Is this Gynura bicolor?

It’s probably Gynura amplexicaulis, Oliv. and Hiern.
It has been recorded from Satara.  See a paper entitled Gynura amplexicaulis Rheedea 19_50-60. pdf
I have also found this plant in various spots in Western Ghats

Thank you … for the correct ID and the information.


ID confirmation reqd : Gynura bicolor (Matheran): Clicked today (7.10.12) at Matheran. Please validate if this is Gynura bicolor?

More likely to be Gynura amplexicaulis Oliv. & Hiern 


identification no 250813sn1 : Attachments (4). 6 posts by 5 authors.
Kindly help in identification. I am sorry for the poor quality of pictures, due to strong wind.
My wild guess is Crassocephalum crepidiodes?
location: ambyvalley rd, mulshi, pune
plant habitat:Herb?
height:must be 3-4 ft.

Can be Emilia sonchifolia.

Please upload pictures of leaf

This will be Gynura bicolor if the heads are about 1.5 cm and leaves are lyrate amplexicaul. Sizes need to be given at least for parts not seen in the images. Even from images sizes can not be judged.

More likely to be Gynura amplexicaulis Oliv. & Hiern 


Gynura amplexicaulis—–for sharing and validation : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
photos taken at Aambyvalley Rd., Lonavala, Pune in Oct.15. Matches with these https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/species/a—l/ar/asteraceae/gynura/gynura-amplexicaulis

I think yes. But there is a confusion with another species i.e. Gynura cusimbua. Differences are not clear to me.

Thanks … Noted.


Asteraceae herb from Kerala area SN141117 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Wild herb from Idukki hill (1600m) Kerala

Pl. check at

… looks like Gynura cusimbua

Rather appears more close to images at Gynura amplexicaulis Oliv. & Hiern as per comparative images at Gynura