Elaeodendron orientale Jacq., Icon. Pl. Rar. 1: t. 48 1782. (Syn: Elaeodendron indicum Gaertn.; Rubentia olivina J.F. Gmel. );
el-lee-oh-DEN-dron — from the Greek elaia (olive) and dendron (tree) commonly known as: false olive Native of: Mauritius Confused between Diospyros (malabarica) and Glochidion … and ID could be none of these !!
The flowers and fruits are mismatching. (Please bear the photo quality). Date/Time : May 9, 2010 at 10.03am IST Location Place : Veermata Jijabai Bhosale Udyan (Rani Bagh), Mumbai. Altitude : 10 m GPS : 18°58’43.56″N, 72°50’9.81″E ± few seconds Habitat : garden (however must be found wild in Western Ghats) Type : … Plant Habit : tree Height : about 8 -12 m Length : – not a climber – Leaves Type : simple, alternately placed (possibly whorling), coarsely serrate (or is it dentate, do not know) Shape : elliptic, rounded at both ends Size : 8 – 10 cm x 2.5 – 3.5 cm Inflorescence Type : axillary cymous Size : about 6 cm Flowers Size : about 10 mm Colour : off-white (cream) Calyx : do not know Bracts : – no bracts – …, the flowers remind me Cassine. (not C. glauca, certainly not Diospyros).
Let’s hear from other members.
I think this is Cassine glauca (Rottb.) O. Ktze Like … I am adding the description of the plant…
A large tree; branchlets reddish; bark red inside, exuding a watery sap when cut. Leaves opposite or sub-opposite, 3-16 x 1.5-7.5 cm, elliptic, ovate-oblong or obovate, glabrous, dark green, shining above, glaucous beneath; petiole 0.5-1 cm long, channelled. Cymes axillary, dichotomous, 7.5-12 cm long; peduncle 2.5-6.5 cm long, often red. Flower 5 mm in diameter, whitish; calyx 4-5-lobed, lobes rounded, margin membranous; stamens included, filaments recurved, anthers with a 2-lobed connective. Ovary adnate to the disc; style very short, persistent. Fruit a dry, ovoid, drupe, 1-15 cm long, 1-celled, 1-seeded.
As … knows this is definitely not Cassine glauca. Sending you photographs of Cassine glauca for comparison (2). It is also not Diospyros malabarica. How about Gymnosporia montana? Glochidion is out of scope … the fruits do not look like it It is indeed Cassine glauca (Rottb.) O. Kuntze.
There are two trees in Veermata Jijabai Bhonsale Udyan (Rani Baug) Mumbai – One tree is at main gate fencing & other just outside Hippopotamus cage.
… this plant is in close vicinity of the Tree of Life (Guaiacum officinale) … please refer the attached Google Earth shot. the first two pic are of Cassine species but surely not Cassine glauca. (i have encountered this plant at Victoria garden, but never found it flowering, however after looking at the flower it is certainly Cassine, (Cassine glauca have larger and elliptic leaves, where as this plant has longer, and thicker leaves)). this plant is just left after entrance, near the loin cage, behind the statue of British lord on horse. Salutes to you, … for pinpointing the location !! … missed on attaching the crooped version of the third photo. I am sorry, i have identified the last three pic as Diospyros which is incorrect. i confirm alll the five pic are of same plant. it is some cassine species but not Cassine glauca. I don’t think any of the pics are of D. malabarica syn D. embryopteris, fruits of D. malabarica have persistent calyx and leaves are alternate. Flowers definitely appear to be from Family Celastraceae but the plant is not Cassine glaucum (Oleodendron glaucum) It is definitely not Cassine glauca. Have at least 2 trees of C.glauca on my property. It could be Cassine paniculata. Many thanks to … and … for disposing Diospyros. I referred R.R.Fernandez thesis on plants of Bombay 1959. Thank you very very much, … (and to the thesis of R R Fernandez ji). Interesting, but there is no mention of Elaeodendron orientale / Cassine orientalis in Dr.Almeida’s ‘ Flora of Maharashtra’. yes … thats y it took me so much time to identify this plant. i had been looking for its id from last 3-4 years. a line drawing of it is been given in the Fernandez Thesis. Just spoke to Dr.Almeida. The tree in the Zoo is not Cassine paniculata [which is found growing wild in the Amboli hills]. He feels that R.R.Fernandez has most likely correctly identified it as E.orientale / C.orientalis [as pointed out by you]. I just returned from fieldwork in Madagascar. Based more on the supplied description, I am reasonably satisfied this plant is what is Elaeodendron balae (Kostermans) R.H. Archer ined. from Sri Lanka. Please note this name/combination is not yet published and is based on Cassine balae Kostermans in Gard. Bull. Singapore 39:185 (1987); Wadhwa in Revised Flora of Ceylon X: page 87 (1996). It is in many respect very similar to Elaeodendron orientale from the Mascarene Island of Mauritius. The round fruit is immediately different from the sharp pointed fruit in Elaeodendron orientale. … pictures agree quite well with the pictures of Elaeodendron orientale on the web: Here are some more photos; hopefully would help in reaching conclusion. I have been very surprised. It is almost if there are two species. The leaves looks like Elaeodendron orientale and the tree, bark and habit looks like Elaeodendron balae. However, I am accepting this tree is quite an old Elaeodendron orientale. Probably at least 50 to 60 years old or older if it has been diseased at one time. These two species are very similar, and both has been planted in various Botanic Gardens over the world. And of course there have been an immense amount of confusion between the two. Plants from Honololu are clearly E. orientale. Plants from Durban, South Africa, Brisbane, Australia and Florida are clearly E. balae (It also has been called Cassine quadrangulata). But it has been very difficult or can be very difficult to identify plants from only a few photos. What I do need is a good close up photos of the flowers and a photo of the fruit cut open. There is a hard stone fruit inside, hence the name Bois d’Olive in French from where the direct translation Elaeodendron comes from. The stone fruit of E. orientale is sharp pointed at both ends. The one of E. balae is completely ovoid. I would very much learn if there is a history behind the tree. When it was planted etc. … the suspense may remain until we get to see inside a fruit … (that particular day searched in vain for any fallen fruit). i used to search for fruits and flowers of very high trees at the dumping ground at jijamata udyan. i used to go very early in the morning before the worker start cleaning the place, so that i can collect fallen fruits and flowers which are otherwise difficult to collect n photograph. i am sure u may get some fallen fruit of this Eleaodendron plant. Today collected (fallen) fruits of this Elaeodendron tree. That is simply superb. Ultimate dedication … Thank you very much. This is very interesting. This hard stone is the main difference between Elaeodendron (tree like a olive) and of the South African Cassine species. How tall is the tree and the approximate diameter of the stem? Thank you very much … the diameter could be about 2 – 2.5 ft, the height about 25 – 30 m. Thank you very much. Then this must be a very old tree, closer to 100 years or perhaps as old as the garden itself? Dear … your thoughts must be correct … can very well imagine Britishers to have collected this kind of rare endemic tree from the exotic islands of western Indian Ocean. Celastraceae fortnight :: Elaeodendron orientale in Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai :: DV06 : 11 attachments. 5 posts by 4 authors.
Elaeodendron orientale Jacq.
at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai on 09 MAY 10 and 22 MAY 10
Well, okay, astonishing.
Nice illustrated upload
Jijamata Udyan, Jan 2015 :: Requesting ID of this plant :: ARKFEB-01/01: 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Please ID this plant captured at Jijamata Udyan in Jan 2014.
No flowers or fruits seen.
It is situated at the far left side of the park in a corner.
Seems to Cassine glauca.
Opposite leaves and serrate margin characters.
Thanks, …, for the id.
To me looks a bit different from images at Elaeodendron glaucum
May be Elaeodendron orientale (Cultivated) as already reported from there by …, as per details herein.
Thanks … However, the leaves in … pics and my pics do not look very similar. Would like to hear from experts.
I do not find your leaves to be much different from those at [efloraofindia:34578] DV – 09MAY10 – 1003 :: ¿ Diospyros / Glochidion ? Thanks … for concluding the ID. References: Tropicos (other combinations of this basionym- Cassine orientale (Jacq.) Kuntze) Flora Zambesiaca GRIN ((=) Cassine orientalis (J. Jacq.) Kuntze) The Plant List Ver.1.1 (Elaeodendron orientale Jacq.is a synonym of Cassine orientalis (Jacq.) Kuntze) Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post Flowers of India Dave’s Garden Republic of Mauritius |