Loeseneriella africana var. obtusifolia (Roxb.) N.Hallé, Fl. Gabon 29: 255 (1986). (Syn: Hippocratea grandiflora Wall.Hippocratea obtusifolia Roxb.Hippocratea rigida Hampe ex M.A.Lawson; Hippocratea tortuosa Wall.Loeseneriella indochinensis Tardieu ; Loeseneriella obtusifolia (Roxb.) A.C.Sm.)
India, Sri Lanka, Indo-China: India, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand as per POWO;
commonly known as: African paddle-pod • Konkani: दवस davas • Malayalam: പുറംകൊടി puramkodi • Marathi: दौशीर daushir • Tamil: மெந்தக் கொடி menthakkodi • Telugu: మేడితీగ mediteega
Names compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2023/08/loeseneriella-africana-willd-rwilczek.html


Celastraceae fortnight :: Loeseneriella ovata at Jog Falls :: DV11 : 4 images. 4 posts by 3 authors.
Loeseneriella ovata (Lam.) M.R.Almeida also placed in Hippocrateaceae
at Jog Falls on 16 DEC 12

What a beauty! no words..

ID of this observation is now revised to Loeseneriella africana (Willd.) R.Wilczek at iNaturalist by Navendu.
I quote his comment here:

Hippocratea volubilis (syn. Loeseneriella ovata (Lam.) M.R.Almeida) is a South American species. Indian Hippocratea are now placed under Loeseneriella of which we have 2 species in the Western Ghats – L. africana and L. bourdillonii.”

As per POWO, only Loeseneriella africana var. obtusifolia (Roxb.) N.Hallé (syn: Loeseneriella obtusifolia (Roxb.) A.C.Sm.) has distribution in India.

Yes, I agree

Seen this Climbing Shrub near Jog Falls.
Bot. name: Loeseneriella ovata
Family: Celastraceae

Very nice pictures.

Loeseneriella obtusifolia (Roxb.) A. C. Smith SN 26219 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Wild climber from out skirts of Chennai, stem angular, leaves crenate resembling leaves of Salcia chinensis


Malayalam name of Loeseneriella africana (Willd.) R.Wilczek Inbox:

Please help with the Malayalam name puramkodi of Loeseneriella africana (Willd.) R.Wilczek … listed in Digital Flora of Peninsular India by Herbarium JCB.
Loeseneriella obtusifolia (Roxb.) A.C.Sm. … is synonym of Loeseneriella africana var. obtusifolia (Roxb.) N.Hallé … is accepted infraspecific of Loeseneriella africana (Willd.) R.Wilczek … POWO.



Names of Plants in India :: Loeseneriella africana (Willd.) R.Wilczek:
Loeseneriella africana var. obtusifolia (Roxb.) N.Hallé

¿ LOES-ner-ee-EL-luh ? — named for Theodor Loesener, German botanist … Wikipedia
af-ri-KAHN-uh — of or from Africa … Dave’s Botanary
ob-too-sih-FOH-lee-uh — blunt leaf … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: African paddle-pod • Konkani: दवस davas • Malayalam: പുറംകൊടി puramkodi • Marathi: दौशीर daushir • Tamil: மெந்தக் கொடி menthakkodi • Telugu: మేడితీగ mediteegabotanical namesLoeseneriella africana (Willd.) R.Wilczek … homotypic synonymsHippocratea africana (Willd.) Loes. ex Engl. … accepted infraspecificsLoeseneriella africana var. obtusifolia (Roxb.) N.Hallé … homotypic synonymsHippocratea obtusifolia Roxb. • Loeseneriella obtusifolia (Roxb.) A.C.Sm. … and more at POWO

Bibliography / etymology

Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will.

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
African paddle-pod
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
  • for Loeseneriella obtusifolia (Roxb.) A.C.Sm. … Flora of India Vol. 5, Botanical Survey of India
  • this does not seem to be a valid name
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
दवस davas
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
പുറംകൊടി puramkodi
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
दौशीर daushir
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
மெந்தக் கொடி menthakkodi
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
మేడితీగ mediteega
  • for Loeseneriella obtusifolia (Roxb.) A.C.Sm. … Flora Andhrika – Plant Wealth of Andhra Pradesh, India
Andhra Pradesh, *Assam, Goa, Maharashtra, *Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu

* no given name / no name found, in the regional language(s) of the state

~~~~~ x ~~~~~




POWO  Catalogue of Life  Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post  Flowers of India  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI
GBIF (with type specimens) Flora of Peninsular India India Biodiversity Portal  Kerala plants  Herbarium JCB  FRLHT  Flora of Eastern Ghats: Hill Ranges of South East India, Volume 1 By T. Pullaiah, D. Muralidhara Rao, K. Sri Ramamurthy (2002)  An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995)

Flora of Maharashtra State, Volume 2 by B. D. Sharma, Saravanam Karthikeyan, N. P. Singh, Botanical Survey of India LOESENERIELLA A. C. Sm. Loeseneriella ovata (Lam.) Almeida, Fl. Mah. 1: 245. 1996. Hippocratea ovata …