Greetings of New year 2014, I am pleased to inform you that like previous year this year also Botanical Survey of India is again compiling the all new plant species , new records, new variety , New Sub Species, discovered from Indian sub continent. So please Send Scan file or PDF your full length published research papers on these subjects, to My email- … for inclusion the its taxonomic information in Next Volume of PLANT DISCOVERIES 2013. Kindly contribute more with this collaborative help to Nations rich Plant wealth and circulate this information in Taxonomic Community.

Fwd: PLANT DISCOVERIES 2013 : 1 post by 1 author.
I am pleased to inform you that like previous year this year Botanical Survey of India is again compiling the all new plant species , new records, new variety , New Sub Species, discovered from India. 

So please Send me Scan file or PDF your full length research paper named A new species of  The genus Commelina (Commelinaceae) in Andman & Nicobar island, India with one new species and three new records.,  which has been published in Phytotaxa 87 (2): 19–29 (2013) for inclusion the its taxonomic information in Next Volume of PLANT DISCOVERIES 2013.  The book may available to you as contributor copy. The process of sending the 2012 plant discoveries in running, you may find this precious taxonomic publication in next few days. 
If you published more articles regarding the new records / new species please share with us to contribute more in Nations Plant Wealth scenario. 
kindly circulate this Information in your known taxonomic community.