by T. Badri Narayanan, Identified by Vijayasankar Raman (Inserted by J.M.Garg)


Tamil Adukkukurungu, Pacchaambaram, Neelaambaram

Habit: An erect subshrub, upto 1m.
Flower- In terminal or axillary spikes; bluish-green. Flowering throughout the year.
Fruit – An ovoid capsule, compressed; seeds 2, orbicular, tuberculate. Fruiting throughout the year.
Field tips- Branchlets 4-angular. Bracts leafy, green.
Leaf Arrangement- Opposite-decussate
Leaf Type- Simple
Leaf Shape- Elliptic-ovate to obovate
Leaf Apex- Acute
Leaf Base- Attenuate
Leaf Margin- Entire
Found in the scrub jungles as an understory plant from plains to 1000m. Common.
Africa, India, Sri Lanka to Malesia.
Attributions- Keystone Foundation)



Ecbolium viride : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.

Ecbolium viride (Forssk.) Alston, Fam: Acanthaceae

wild herb, Krishnagiri out skirt, flowering


Vellimalai / Ecbolium (Acanthaceae) species for validation/ 090614 TBN 1 a for validation/ TBN June 2 :

Please identify this plant details of which are as follows:
Date           : 08.06.14                                                            
Location     : Idumban Sacred Grove, Vellimalai Reserved forest, Pottapatti, Kottampatti Madurai dt
Altitude      :approx 750 ft

Habitat        :sacred grove/ wild
Habit           :shrub
Height         :1 to 2 ft
Leaves         :as shown
Flowers       :as depicted with mucuronate bract
Fruits          :not seen

Another local name seems to be” Pachambaram“.

Yes, it is Ecbolium viride. Also called ‘Pachai kanagaambaram’ in Tamil.




Plant for ID, Pakkamalai Tamil Nadu NAW-OCT-22 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5).

Kindly identify this plant with blue-greenish flower photographed at the Pakkamalai Reserve Forest, Tamil Nadu in September 2014.

Height of plant: about 40 cm.

flowers about 2-3 cm wide.

Nice photographs, …
Looks like Ecbolium viride of Acanthaceae. Resembles my earlier post dated 09.06.14 identified by … in efloraofindia. Called பச்சாம்பரம்பச்சை கனகாம்பரம் in Tamil.

The plant was growing right in the middle of the path and though the path is very rarely visited, battered by the passers-by. That explains the rather crumpled leaves and petals in the photographs. Thank you for the identification.



Acanthaceae fortnight SN 02 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)

Ecbolium viride (Forssk.) Alston, wild undershrub from agumbe area of Karnataka



Please Identify… : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
It could be Ecbolium viride.

Thanks, …, Pl. submit details about the place, time, habit & habitat etc.

Place – Uttan, Bhayandar, Mumbai
Month – September
Habit- Small herb, height 2ft

Two Ecbolium species in efi with images 

Ecbolium viride



Acanthaceae For ID : Nakhal Springs,Oman : 18DEC16 : AK-33 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Found this plant growing near rocks a couple of days ago.

Kindly help in id.

This plant has been identified by …, from Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, as Ecbolium viride.



Ecbolium sp. for ID confirmation : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)

Please see the attached image. Is this Ecbolium viride chandrasekariana?
Location: Ottapalam, Kerala
Date/Time: 2011-Apr-08
Habitat Type: Urban
Plant Habit: Shrub

Yes, the yellow flowers indeed suggest it is Ecbolium viride var. chandrasekariana. This name however is treated as a synonym of E. viride (Cat. of Life; The Plant List; India Biodiversity Portal).

Image search results for green ice crossandra, green shrimp plant, turquoise crossandra are quite intriguing. They show up pictures of plants what we identify as Ecbolium spp. however on visiting the sites, they are labelled as cultivars of Crossandra infundibuliformis. Not sure whether I am mistaking 🙂

For example, please take a look at this cultivar Crossandra infundibuliformis ‘Shamrock’ at

Your thoughts please.

Yes. Toptropicals also show Ecbolium viride as syn. of Crossandra infundibuliformis