Acacia nilotica sub sp adstringens : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 3 authors. Acacia nilotica sub sp adstringens (Schum.&Thonn.) Roberty, Fam: Mimosaceae Tree out skirts of Bangalore and Mysore
flowering and fruiting
altitude 850m The subspecies are not clearly distinguishable. I doubt it is planted in India. Pl. see Vachellia & Differences between different subspecies of Acacia nilotica (Lucidcentral)
Is there any literature stating it to be cultivated In india ? I have revised the genus Acacia for India long ago. I am not at all satisfied with the subspecific demarcations of A. nilotica. It is Acacia nilotica sub sp krausiana. Any match to legume of Acacia nilotica subsp. subalta ?? |