Eleocharis dulcis (Burm.f.) Trin. ex Hensch., Vita Rumphii 186 1833. (Syn: Carex tuberosa (Schult.) Blanco [Illegitimate]; Eleocharis austrocaledonica Vieill.; Eleocharis dulcis var. tuberosa (Schult.) T.Koyama; Eleocharis equisetina J.Presl & C.Presl; Eleocharis esculenta Vieill.; Eleocharis indica (Lour.) Druce; Eleocharis plantaginea (Retz.) Roem. & Schult.; Eleocharis plantaginea var. stolonifera Boeckeler; Eleocharis plantagineiformis Tang & F.T.Wang; Eleocharis plantaginoidea W.Wight [Illegitimate]; Eleocharis plantaginoides (Rottb.) Domin; Eleocharis tuberosa Schult.; Eleocharis tumida (Roxb.) Schult.; Limnochloa plantaginea (Retz.) Nees; Limnochloa tumida (Roxb.) Nees; Scirpus dubius Roxb.; Scirpus plantagineus Retz.; Scirpus plantaginoides Rottb.; Scirpus tuberosus Roxb. [Illegitimate]; Scirpus tumidus Roxb.);
Malayalam Neerchelli, Chelli

Erect, tufted, rhizomatous perennials, 40-100 cm tall; rhizome short with long stolons, bearing brown to black, subglobose tubers; culms terete, transversely septate, shining green. Leaves reduced to bladeless sheaths; sheaths membranous, 5-10 cm long, purplish, mouth oblique. Inflorescence with a single spitelet. Spikelet as wide as the stem, 2-3 x 0.3-0.5 cm, cylindrical, terete, subobtuse, densely many-flowered; rachilla straight, wingless. Glumes spiral, 5-6 x 2-3 mm, obovate, obtuse, midrib prominent, narrow scarious margin at apex. Hypogynous bristles 6-8, much exceeding the style base, retrorsely scabrous brown. Stamens 3; anthers 2-3 mm, linear, apiculate. Style long; stigma 2-3. Nut 2-3 x 1-1.5 mm, obovate, biconvex.
Flowering and fruiting: September-October
Marshy areas
The Chinese water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis; synonyms E. equisetina, E. indica, E. plantaginea, E. plantaginoides, E. tuberosa, E. tumida), more often called simply the water chestnut, is a grass-like sedge grown for its edible corms. The water chestnut is actually not a nut at all, but an aquatic vegetable that grows in marshes, underwater in the mud. It has tube-shaped, leafless green stems that grow to about 1.5 metres. The water caltrop, which is also referred to by the same name, is unrelated and often confused with the water chestnut.
The small, rounded corms have a crisp white flesh and can be eaten raw, slightly boiled, or grilled, and are often pickled or tinned. They are a popular ingredient in Chinese dishes. In China, they are most often eaten raw, sometimes sweetened. They can also be ground into a flour form used for making water chestnut cake, which is common as part of dim sum cuisine. They are unusual among vegetables for remaining crisp even after being cooked or canned, because their cell walls are cross-linked and strengthened by certain phenolic compounds, like oligomers of ferulic acid.[1] This property is shared by other vegetables that remain crisp in this manner, including the tiger nut and lotus root.[2]
The corms are rich in carbohydrates (about 90 percent by dry weight), especially starch (about 60 percent by dry weight), and are also a good source of dietary fiber, riboflavin, vitamin B6, potassium, copper, and manganese.[3]
Raw water chestnuts are slightly sweet and very crunchy. Boiled water chestnuts have a firm and slightly crunchy texture, with a flavor that is very mild and slightly nutty, so it can be easily overpowered by any seasonings or sauces with which the water chestnut is served or cooked. Water chestnuts are often combined with bamboo shoots, coriander, ginger, sesame oil, and snow peas. They are often used in pasta or rice dishes.[5]
(From Wikipedia on 6.3.14)



Wetland :: Sedge for identification 200214MK01 FEB02 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Please help me in identifying this sedge commonly seen in wetlands of north-eastern Tamil Nadu.
I don’t have clear photos of the plant. Is this a Cyperaceae?
Plant: can grow up to 1-1.5 m; have internodes at intervals of 10-15 cm
Habitat: muddy wetlands
Tamil Name: Thakkai 
Use: since the rachis/stems float in water, used in fishing Anglers

Location: Thanjavur dist., TN
Date: 12 Feb 2014
Alt.: 40 m asl


Images are of poor quality, difficult to identify. It seems sedge (1) is Eleocharis dulcis (Burm.f.) Trin. ex Hensch. and sedge (2) Schoenoplectus litoralis subsp. thermalis (Trab.) S.S. Hooper. Close up with inflorescence is required for confirming the identity.




ID of cyperaceae herb from Assam KD 17 Jan 2015 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

Attached images are sp. of cyperaceae. Please ID the plant  
Date :23.01.2015
Location: Assam
Family : Cyperaceae
Genus & species : ??
Habitat: Grows wild on wet places
Habit : Herb

Possibly an Eleocharis species.

If the culm (stem) is hollow and septate, it is Eleocharis dulcis. … may send a dry specimen to me for confirmation of identity.