
Plant For ID : VJTI,Mumbai : 280214 : AK-28 : Attachments (2).  6 posts by 3 authors.
Small, cultivated plant seen at the exhibition.

Not very sure, but it was in the medicinal plants section.
Id please.

Looks like Geranium

I thought of Geranium too.

Seems to be Scented Geranium on searching.

Yes Pelargonium

This plant can also be Pelargonium graveolens

Or can it be Pelargonium citronellum as per another thread ? 

Looks different from images of Pelargonium citronellum at
Dave’s Garden  Plantzafrica  geraniaceae.com

There are five different Pelargonium species with lemon scent:  

  1. Pelargonium crispum (P.J. Bergius) L’Hér.
  2. Pelargonium citronellum J.J.A. Van der Walt
  3. Pelargonium × melissimum Sweet
  4. Pelargonium × nervosum Sweet
  5. Pelargonium citrosum Voigt ex Sprague 
Most common species in trade are: 
  1. Pelargonium crispum (P.J. Bergius) L’Hér. [The leaves are lemon-scented, fan-shaped and the leaf margins are crisped]
  2. Pelargonium citronellum J.J.A. Van der Walt [The leaf is palmately shaped with sharply pointed lobes]
  3. Pelargonium citrosum Voigt ex Sprague [marketed as “mosquito plant” ‘Citronella plant’]




Citronella mucronata : Odomos : Flower Show,Mumbai : 03FEB17 : AK-4 : 14 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

This id seems to be wrong. 

It looks like Geranium Species to me.
Experts, kindly give your opinion.
A similar plant was posted by me from ‘Friends of Trees’ Exhibition earlier.

It seems Geranium graveolens (Lemon scented Geranium), a source of an essential oil used in perfumery.
Keep it in a drawing room for a nice fragrance.

Did you mean Pelargonium graveolens as per images herein or other similar Pelargonium species?

Yes, … Pelargonium graveolens

… is right, this is not Citronella should be Pelargonium citronellum J.J.A. Van der Walt due to its lemon like fragrances.

Thanks for going thro’ this post and providing the correct id.
I believe the one seen at ‘Friends of Trees’ Exhibition in Mumbai could also be the same.

I am posting my plant of Pelargonium graveolens separately, which I had procured  a few years back from Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and was growing at my home.  

Looks different from images of Pelargonium citronellum at