Orbea variegata (L.) Haw., Syn. Pl. Succ. 40 1812. (Syn: Stapelia variegata L.; Stapelia variegata var. brevicornis N.E. Br.; Stisseria variegata (L.) Kuntze) ?;

by Aarti S Khale (Id help by Dan Rhoads) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click
on the links)



Succulent For ID : Flower Show,Mumbai : 240214 : AK-20 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).
Another succulent seen with an unopened bud.

This cultivated, ornamental was in a hanging basket.

Id please.

Definitely an Asclepiadaceae …,

Stapelia family, but which, not sure. The flower open would probably help.

Thanks to you and … for the follow up and clues.
On searching, this seems to be Starfish Cactus, Toad Cactus as in Dave’s Garden.
Botanical name Orbea variegata, Syn Stapelia variegata of Asclepiadaceae.