Juniperus seravschanica Kom., Bot. Zhurn. S.S.S.R. 17: 481 (1932). (syn: Juniperus excelsa Griff., Not. Pl. Asiat. 4: 26 (1854), nom. illeg. ; Juniperus excelsa subsp. seravschanica (Kom.) Imkhan., Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 75: 407 (1990).Juniperus excelsa var. seravschanica (Kom.) R.P.Adams, Phytologia 98: 227 (2016). ; Juniperus himalayaensis Carrière in H.A.Jacques & F.Hérincq, Man. Gén. Pl. 4: 314 (1865). ; Juniperus macropoda Boiss., Fl. Orient. 5: 709 (1884).; Juniperus polycarpos var. seravschanica (Kom.) Kitam., Pl. W. Pakist., Add. Afg.: 68 (1966). ; Sabina seravschanica (Kom.) Nevski, Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., Ser. 1, Fl. Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 4: 245 (1937).Juniperus turcomanica var. seravschanica (Kom.) R.P.Adams, Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 27: 721 (1999), no basionym ref.);  
SE. Iran to C. Asia and W. Himalaya, Oman as per WCSP;

Recorded from Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan; Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia (?); W Asia: Afghanistan, Iran, E Turkey; Arabian Peninsula: Oman; and S Asia: Pakistan, NW India (Kashmir). 

The continental subspecies occupies a range of habitats from montane (mixed) coniferous forest to upper montane steppes dominated by Seriphidium maritimum (Artemisa maritima). Its altitudinal range is (550-)1,000-3,300(-3,950) m a.s.l. In coniferous forest it can be associated with Pinus gerardiana, P. wallichiana, Cedrus deodara or Abies pindrow, in broad-leaved forest or woodland with Carpinus sp., Juglans nigra, Malus sieversii, Crataegus sp., Prunus sp., Sorbus sp. and shrubs e.g. Dodonaea and Sageretia. At its highest altitudes in Afghanistan and Pakistan it forms very open stands on bare scree or glacial moraines with decumbent Juniperus squamata. It is found on calcareous as well as siliceous rocks, usually in shallow, stony soils, but sometimes in loess or loam, and on dry slopes or near intermittent streams. 



Commonly known as Persian Juniper, from the mountains of Jabal Akhdar, Oman.

Missed posting it during the Gymnosperm Fortnight, posting it now.
Pictures taken in May, 2013.

Kindly amend the name of this post to 

Juniperus seravschanica.

“There was a recent name change”, as written to me by Dr Annette. 

Corrected id thanks to Dr Annette Patzelt of Oman Botanic Gardens.