Rhododendron johnstoneanum Watt ex Hutch., Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 12: 72 1919.;

Rhododendron johnstoneanum subsection maddenia from UCBG-28082021-5:

Rhododendron johnstoneanum subsection maddenia
Photographed from University of California Botanical Garden, 22-4-2019



Is it Rhododendron johnstoneanum ? : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Location : Phawngpui, Mizoram. Altitude : ca.2,000 m. Date : 12-04-2012.
Habit : Small tree or shrub. Habitat : Wild.

Could be. Details not sufficient in the image.

Is it same as in Rhododendron sp. for ID, with the same place and date?

Yes, but this tree grows on land, not on the tree

You mean to say that it is different.

Yes sir
