Eriogonum latifolium is a species of wild buckwheat known by the common names seaside buckwheat and coast buckwheat.

This plant is native to the coastline of the western United States from Washington to central California,
where it is a common resident of coastal bluffs and scrub.
This is a perennial herb which is quite variable in size, its height dependent in part on its degree of exposure to the stiff maritime winds of its habitat. It may be quite small or sprawl to a maximum height of 70 centimeters. Its pale white-green leaves are oval, woolly, and sometimes waxy, and are mostly basal but extend a ways up the erect stem if there is one. At the end of each branch is a cluster of pinkish flowers.
(From Wikipedia on 11.5.14)



Eriogonum latifolium Sm.

Seaside wild buckwheat
A mat forming perennial herb to subshrub with tomentose leaves and white to pinkflowers in head-like inflorescence,  
Photographed from SFO botanical garden in California.

Loved the close up shots!

Attached are pictures of Eriogonum latifolium from Point Bonita coast, San Francisco, USA captured in May 2013.
Kindly validate. 

efi page on Eriogonum latifolium

This has been identified as E. latifolium on an FB group.