India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh ; Karnataka ; Kerala ; Maharashtra ; Tamil Nadu ; Indonesia (N); Jawa (N) as per ILDIS;

Deciduous trees, to 30 m high, bark 15-20 mm thick, surface grey to pale brown, smooth, exfoliations small, irregular; fibrous; blaze concentrically striated, yellow, turning to yellowish-brown. Leaves imparipinnate, alternate; stipules small, lateral, cauducous; rachis 5-15 cm, slender, pulvinate, glabrous; leaflets 5-11, alternate, estipellate; petiolule 6-10 mm, slender; lamina 3-7.5 x 2-6 cm, elliptic-obovate, orbicular or obovate, base cuneate or acute, apex acute, obtuse or retuse, margin entire, membranous; lateral nerves 4-12 pairs, pinnate, ascending, slender, prominent; intercostae reticulate, prominent. Flowers bisexual, white, 7-8 mm long, in loose terminal panicles; calyx campanulate, glabrous; lobes 5, subequal; petals 5; standard petal cuneate at base, reflexed, keel petals hastate; stamens 9, monadelphous, filaments alternately longer and shorter; ovary stipitate,inferior,1-celled, ovule 1-few; style slender; stigma capitate. Fruit a pod 5-7.5 x 1-1.2 cm, tapering to both ends, oblong, stipitate; seeds 2-4, reniform, pale brown.

Flowering and fruiting: February-August
Moist and dry deciduous forests
Peninsular India and Indonesia
Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi


Dalbergia sissoides Wight & Arn.SN May 07 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Dalbergia sissoides Wight & Arn, tree often found in the tea estate area around Nilgiri hills,
wood is a premier timber.

That is something new. Interesting. Native/ nonnative?

It is a native tree, a variety of rose wood also called malabar black wood.

A friend of mine asked me to identify this Dalbergia species. Please help me to identify this.
Date: 17 July 2008
Location: en route Ooty, Nilgiris
Altitude: c. 1600 m

Habitat: wild (photographed from road)

This looks like Dalbergia lanceolaria var. paniculata locally called Phanshi. Please check this site for my photographs of D.lanceolaria var. lanceolaria [Dandus].

I am quite sure the tree is not Dalbergia lanceolaria. The leaves are quite distinct. I have the tree in Mysore and have seen in Chennai also.

It would have been helpful to have seen the tree in toto, and its bark canopy/ overall shape…
But in the meantime based on these three pics,
How about Ailanthus..
the profusion of seedpods of this particular shape, color and bunching in presence of those leaves.. makes me thinks its ailanthus .. such as the Ailanthus excelsa
I have seen Ailanthus altissima grow to be huge and fruit so profusely and grow seedlings so vigorously that people went from loving it to thinking it was a pest…
if its not, love to find out what is it

It is a species of Dalbergia for sure. Leaves are different in Ailanthus spp.

A species of Dalbergia only.
The leaves of Ailanthus excelsa are quite different and very big. The fruits are also different and belongs to Simaroubaceae

Can it be Dalbergia sissoides Wight & Arn. as per images herein

Yes, It looks like Dalbergia sissoides