Polygonaceae Fortnight: Rumex patientia/R. munshii/R. paulescens from Harwan Kashmir pl. validate-GSMAY25 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
This particular Rumex I had reported as Rumex orientalis, characterized by entire fruit valves. This could also be R. munshii Rech. f., based on type from the same place by Dr. Abid Hussain Munshi, himself an expert on Indian Polygonaceae. This species has been treated under R. paulescens in eFlora of Pakistan
Perhaps experts can help in deciding the exact identity of this plant.
Perhaps experts can help in deciding the exact identity of this plant.
Rumex patientia subsp. orientalis from Kashmir : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2).
Rumex patientia L. subsp. orientalis (Bernh.) Danser from Kashmir, often common in ponds and wet areas. Taller plant characterised by taller habit, fruiting perianth without marginal teeth. Phototographed from Harwan on June 17, 2010.
Common names: Patience dock
Leaves eaten as vegetable.
Leaves eaten as vegetable.
thanks for posting this, this helped me in id of my plant, the pic is attached, i think id is correct. Please confirm. I have taken this pic from higher Himalaya of Uttarakhand near Niti village on 9-8-2010.
Yes …, it is same
Feedback from another thread:
“This particular Rumex I had reported as Rumex orientalis, characterized by entire fruit valves. This could also be R. munshii Rech. f., based on type from the same place by Dr. Abid Hussain Munshi, himself an expert on Indian Polygonaceae. This species has been treated under R. paulescens in eFlora of Pakistan
Perhaps experts can help in deciding the exact identity of this plant. ”
Perhaps experts can help in deciding the exact identity of this plant. ”
Kashmiri name ABUJ
POWO Catalogue of Life Flora of Pakistan The Plant List Ver.1.1(1) (Rumex × munshii Rech.f.) The Plant List Ver.1.1 (2) (Rumex paulsenianus Rech. f.)