Erythranthe nepalensis

Erythranthe nepalensis (Benth.) G.L.Nesom (syn: Mimulus assamicus Griff.; Mimulus formosanus Hayata; Mimulus nepalensis Benth.; Mimulus tenellus subsp. nepalensis (Benth.) D.Y.Hong; Mimulus tenellus var. nepalensis (Benth.) P.C.Tsoong (ambiguous synonym); Mimulus tenellus var. nepalensis (Benth.) P.C.Tsoong ex H.P.Yang
(ambiguous synonym); Torenia arisanensis Sasaki) as per Catalogue of Life;
Mimulus tenellus var. nepalensis (Benth.) Tsoong, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 67(2): 171 1979. (syn: Mimulus assamicus Griff.; Mimulus formosanus Hayata; Mimulus nepalensis Benth.; Mimulus tenellus subsp. nepalensis (Benth.) D.Y. Hong) as per The Plant List Ver.1.1 ;
Nepal, Vietnam, Myanmar [Burma] (Kachin), Bhutan, Darjeeling, Tibet, China (Yunnan, Sichuan, ?etc.), Taiwan as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Nepal Monkey Flower

Perennials, to 35 cm tall, glabrous. Stems slender, suberect, much branched, basally creeping, quadrangular. Petiole 1.5-3 cm long, slender; leaf blade ovate, ovate-triangular, or ovate-oblong, 1-3.5 cm long, 0.5-1.5 cm wide, base truncate, margin sparsely serrate, apex acute; veins pinnate or palmate. Flowers axillary, solitary. Pedicel nearly as long as whole leaf. Bracteoles absent. Calyx cylindric, ca. 1 cm long, saccate in fruit, apex truncate; lobes small, spinelike. Corolla yellow, throat with red spots; tube funnelform, 1.5-3 times as long as calyx, densely barbate. Stamens and style glabrous, included. Capsule ellipsoid, slightly shorter than calyx. Seeds ovoid, papillose.

Mimulus tenellus var. nepalensis is close relative of Mimulus tenellus var. tenellus, but differs from the latter in its stems suberect (vs. diffuse), pedicel as long as whole leaf (vs. shorter than leaves).
Flowering and fruiting from June to September.
Mimulus tenellus var. nepalensis is occurring in Gansu, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang of China, India, Japan, Nepal, Vietnam.
Growing in wet places; 800-3200 m.
Rights holder(s): Wen, Jun

Sikkim WB Tour : Id Plz : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).
Can anyone help me Id this herb
Picture taken at Sikkim May 2014

To me this resembled Mecardonia, but not the procumbent one..
Can this be M. acuminata

This should better be Mimulus nepalensis.. sorry for an earlier vague guess..

SK133OCT06-2016:ID : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Sharing some pictures fro ID shot at Dhulikhel Nepal on 12 April 2014 at 5000 ft.

I guess the plant is :
Erythranthe nepalensis (Benth.) G.L.Nesom (accepted name)

Synonyms: Mimulus assamicus Griff. (synonym); Mimulus formosanus Hayata (synonym); Mimulus nepalensis Benth. (synonym)

Thanks, … I think matches with images at Sikkim WB Tour : Id Plz & at Field of science

Enclosing link about Mimulus listed in Nepal.


Mimulus nepalensis Benth. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) – around 500 kb each.

Location : Lava, Kalimpong, India
Date : 11 May 2018
Elevation :  6000 ft.
Habit : Wild


Erythranthe nepalensis (Benth.) G. L. Nesom : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (7)- around 700 kb each.
Location: Godawari, Lalitpur,, Nepal
Altitude: 1566 m.
Date: 04 June 2019
Habit : Wild
Syn : Mimulus nepalensis Benth.

Identify please.: 1 high resolution image.
Grown as weed.
Chakarasi Amroha Uttar Pradesh
Date 30 03 2021.

Erythranthe nepalensis (Benth.) G. L. Nesom !


Erythranthe nepalensis (Benth.) G.L.Nesom: 3 very high res. images.
Location: Taplejung, East Nepal
Habit : Wild
Images sent by Mr. Sajan Subedi !




Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  Tropicos  Flora of China  Checklist of Nepal  Flowers of India  Plants of Tibet  GBIF

Updated on December 24, 2024

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