Assam; Bangladesh; China South-Central; East Himalaya; Mauritius; Nepal; Runion; West Himalaya; Windward Is. as per Catalogue of Life;

/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/_MG_9212.jpgTree Id from Bangladesh_SM_1430 : 13 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (3)

Habitat: Hill slope
Location: Sangu Matamuri Wildlife Sanctuary, Bandarban 
Picture taken: February, 2019

Looks like Schefflera sp.

Schefflera elliptica ???
It is shrub or small tree near a hill stream 

Also could not find a match as per comparative images at Schefflera
What are the other species found in your area ?

if the flower buds are from the same tree), it reminds me of Tupidanthus calyptratus, or Mallet Flower.

its a schefflera of course, but Schefflera pueckleri
… has shown a case 

AND NOW ..you need to follow this with a visit to the tree  and get to see the fruits

Brassaiopsis ??

To me the plant seems to be Schefflera venulosa (KATH-SHIMUL, BAN- SHIMUL)

We have 2 species …
S bengalensis
S. elliptica

based on the flowers its definitely not schefflera bengalensis. check your pictures. where as schefflera elliptica, its a possibility. you need better, i mean more precise pictures:

as in this page:
if we in india have Schefflera pueckleri
it can not be NOT in Bangladesh until a few decades ago BD was India, geography has not changed . 
so what publication says Schefflera pueckleri does not exist in BD, i will greatly appreciate reading and saving as new information

Re: Araliaceae : 3 posts by 3 authors. 2 images.

Location Rajnagar Kumarghat Tripura
Kindly identify it

Schefflera sp.

Thanks, …, for the genus id.
I think close to images at Schefflera pubigera (Brongn. ex Planch.) Frodin as per comparative images at Schefflera