Androsace muscoidea Duby, Prodr. 8: 48 1844. (Syn: Primula duthiei Derganc);
W. & Central Himalaya to SW. Tibet: Nepal, Tibet, West Himalaya as per POWO;


This Androsace species was shot in Sunderdhunga Valley of Bageshwar district, Uttarakhand in June 2012 at an altitude of 3800-4000m. Only one photo is with me. Second photo is cropped up image.
If possible please suggest ID.

May be Androsace globulifera

The Plant may be Androsace muscoidea

Link of pictures of these species from Androsace World – A Picture Gallery of The Genus Androsace :
A. globifera
A. muscoidea

Androsace globifera as suggested by …,  A. musoides is restricted to Kashmir

Link of pictures of these species from Androsace World – A Picture Gallery of The Genus Androsace :
A. globifera
A. muscoidea
Pursuing these, I find images by Rawat ji more closer to A. muscoidea.
Also POWO and Checklist of Nepal gives distribution in the area.

There is no sp. as such Androsace globulifera !
But it is close to Androsace globifera Duby : Wikimedia Commons

Images at Androsace World – A Picture Gallery of The Genus Androsace are more reliable:

  1. globifera
  2. muscoidea

Pl. check.

Thank you … ! What about the correct ID ?

I have given my opinion earlier.