IUCN Red List Status: Data Deficient (DD)
Brachycorythis wightii Summerh., Kew Bull. 10: 242 1955. (syn: Phyllomphax wightii (Summerh.) Szlach.);
S. India (Idukki District) as per POWO;
brak-ee-ko-RYE-this — Greek: brachy (short) and corys (helmet), referring to the flower shapeDave’s Botanary
WIGHT-ee-eye — named for Robert Wight, Scottish surgeon and botanist in Indi … Dave’s Botanary
Common name: White Short-Helmet Orchid, White Brachycorythis
Endemic to: southern Western Ghats (of India)

Habit: Herb

Flowering and fruiting: May-October
Southern Western Ghats (Kerala)
Attributions-Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi)

This species is found on hills, among grasses and rock crevices in dark soil in the montane zone. Often seen with B. spendida (Kumar and Manilal 1994).
(From IUCN Red List (DD) )

Eravikulam National Park
Date: June 4, 2014 … Base elevation: 2000m asl
Brachycorythis wightii Summerh. … (family: Orchidaceae)

Very beautiful pictures of a species! TFS…

Wonderful !!..this is the second Brachycorythis sp. I have got to see..

Keep close to Nature’s heart… and break clear away, once in a while, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean. John Muir
Brachycorythis wightii Summerh.
04 JUN 14 … Eravikulam National Park

This plant was like sighting a treasure, when I found it standing all alone, in contrast among other plants and grasses.
It was a prized feeling when I realized it is endemic to southern Western Ghats, and a rare plant.

Very nice picture of a rare beauty!

Such a lovey plant & Incredible picture … as usual
Very lucky to find this  

Beautiful picture of endemic beauty. Your pictures are always brilliant.

Amazing picture. All the pictures you click are beautifully composed.


Names of Plants in India :: Brachycorythis wightii Summerh.: 1 image.
Brachycorythis wightii Summerh.

brak-ee-ko-RYE-this — Greek: brachy (short) and corys (helmet), referring to the flower shape … Dave’s Botanary
WIGHT-ee-eye — named for Robert Wight, Scottish surgeon and botanist in India … Dave’s Botanarycommonly known as: Wight’s brachycorythis, Wight’s short-helmet orchidbotanical namesBrachycorythis wightii Summerh. … synonymsPhyllomphax wightii (Summerh.) Szlach. … POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Wight’s brachycorythis
  • The commemorative epithet wightii is named in honour of Robert Wight, Scottish surgeon and botanist in India
  • or Wight’s brachycoryth orchid … Flowering Trees by P. K. Valsalakumari
Wight’s short-helmet orchid
This species is a rare endemic; distributed in the Indian state of Kerala. Regional name not known; Hopefully, the local folks will provide it a name – to justify its beauty and rarity !


548 ID wild Orchid: (Mixed thread): 12 correct images.
Please ID wild Orchid,
Location: bloomed near Vannappuram Thodupuzha Idukki Kerala INDIA
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 25JUL2023, 03.55pm
Habitat: wild moisture rock outcrop misty sloppy windy alpine
Plant habit: lithophyte Orchid, erect unbranched, weak rigid stem 03.5mm base diameter, rhizome annual
Height: 06 inches
Leaves: alternate elliptic acute leathery glossy, peteoleless size upto: 04×2cm
Flower: axillary buds, diameter:18mm, pinkish, non fragrant
Fruit: capsule green into brown ovoid ridges size:02.5×0.5cm
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Please check Brachycorythis splendida Summerh. !

Yes, it is Brachycorythis splendida dear Saroj ji, thank you very much for ID my Orchid

Brachycorythis splendida is supposed to have an obcordate labellum, I believe.
Also, in your set of photos there seem to be two different plants.
Kindly check.
Looking at the pictures Brachycorythis wightii and Brachycorythis iantha come to mind.

Thank you very much for the identification of my Orchid and appreciation.
Yes, they are captured from two different locations.

I think there are two species here. Can you please confirm both are not from same site?

Images in first two postings are plant growing in Vannappuram and images in accompanying posts are from Munnar region having 80km distance.

Can you please check if there are two species??

I too believe there are images of 2 Brachycorythis species shared.
From Kerala there are total 3 species recorded ( Orchids of Kerala – Orchid Memories 2004) Attaching the info from there for reference
Also attaching a good detailed description of B Iantha by Dr J Joseph in Orchids of Nilgiris

So should I take the majority of images as Brachycorythis wightii?

I think there are two species as i said before.


559 ID wild Orchid Brachycorythis:
Please ID wild Orchid,
Location: bloomed near Eravikulam National Park Rajamalai Munnar Idukki Kerala INDIA
Altitude: 4500fsl
Flower date: 13MAY2023, 03.55pm
Habitat: wild moisture rock outcrop grassland misty sloppy windy alpine
Plant habit: terrestrial Orchid, erect unbranched, weak angular fleshy stem 03.5mm base diameter, rhizomatous, annual
Height: 05 inches
Leaves: alternate elliptic acute leathery glossy, peteoleless size upto: 03×2cm, young leaves purplish margins
Flower: axillary buds, diameter:18mm, pinkish, non fragrant
Fruit: capsule green into brown ovoid ridges size:02.5×0.5cm

Camera: CanonEOS1500D

Brachycorythis wightii Summerh.

Yes, it is dear …, thank you very much for ID my Orchid

Brachycorythis wightii