Cymbidium eburneum Lindley. is a remarkably handsome evergreen species, one of the finest of the genus. It is of very compact growth, forming graceful tufts of distichous linear-lorate foliage. The spike is erect, about 9 to 12 inches high, the flowers very large and fragrant, with pure white sepals and petals, and a lip of the same colour, with a crispy front lobe, and having a bold band of yellow in the centre, behind which is a long yellow fleshy pubescent crest. It blooms in February and March, and lasts a long time in perfection. …

(From Wikipedia  on 31.7.14)


Attachments (3).
This was also growing in LBG, I could not find the label, tried to identify myself by this, and my opinion leads towards Cymbidum eburneum..
Please suggest..

Yes this could either be Cymbidium eburneum or a hybrid of same. It looks slightly different from the true eburneum.