Meconopsis robusta Hook.f. & Thomson, Fl. Ind. 1: 253 1855. (syn: Papaver robustum (Hook.fil. & Thomson) Christenh. & Byng); . Meconopsis robusta from Uttarakhand: Aug 2014_DSR_10 : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1). Thank you for suggesting alternative ID to my Meconopsis. M.simplicifolia, as per Flora of India Vol-2, is not known in Western Himalaya. It is a smaller, polycarpic plant. Moreover, Checklist of Flowering Plants of Uttarakhand also not mention M.simplicifolia. Here in Uttarakhand we have two yellow flowered Meconopsis species only (M.paniculata and M.robusta). I will prefer to stick to my ID of M.robusta till I compare my specimens at BSD. Thank you for taking interest in this upload. Do you have any other images showing inflorescence, habit etc.? It also looks similar to Meconopsis paniculata (D. Don) Prain with this image. What are the keys between the two. As per …, As per efi thread: A purple stigma, and flowers produced in panicles are the most apparent characters which differentiate it (Meconopsis paniculata) from the closely related species M. autumnalis and M. robusta, respectively Meconopsis robusta and M. paniculata are differentiated in Flora of Uttarakhand by Pusalkar & Srivastava (2018) and Fascicles of Flora of India No-17 (Papaveraceae & Hypecoaceae) by Debnath & Nayar (1984) as follows: Indumentum of only simple (soft/ bristly) hairs ……… M.paniculata But in addition to above character taken in key these two species can also be differentiated by yellowish-green leaves, stem (due to dense yellowish hairs) and only shallowly lobed leaves in M. paniculata. In M. robusta stem surface have only bristly hairs but no soft, dense yellowish hairs and leaves are pinnately divided (deeper lobes reaching to mid rib). Image of M. paniculata given in Pollunin & Stainton’s book is also quite distinctive. Two more images are also attached. I still believe my species is M. robusta. Attachments (2) Nice photographs. Flower of the year2008 – indiantreepix | Google Groups : This flower of Yellow poppy Meconopsis dhwojii photographed at Kedarnath Uttarakhand 23 Jul.2008. Blue poppy is the main attraction of valley of flowers but Yellow poppy is equal beautiful too. This neither seems to have distribution in the area as per Catalogue of Life & Annotated checklist of the flowering plants of Nepal nor seems to match as per From the appearance and the distribution this fits best as Meconopsis robusta. Though there are some features like the bumps on the leaf surface that make appear like M. dhwojii. That is possibly unusual for M. robusta. I would be interested to see further images if they are available? I guess Meconopsis dhwojii is endemic to Nepal. |
Meconopsis robusta
Updated on December 24, 2024