Capparis tenera Dalzell, Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 2: 41 1850. (syn: Capparis disticha Kurz; Capparis oxyphylla Wall. [Invalid]; Capparis tenera var. dalzellii Hook.f. & Thomson; Capparis tetrasperma Thwaites; Capparis uncinata Wall. (ambiguous synonym));
India (Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala), Andaman Isl. & Nicobar Isl.), Sri Lanka, N-Thailand, Andaman Isl. (North Andaman Isl., Middle Andaman Isl., South Andaman Isl.), Myanmar [Burma] (Bago, Kachin, Mandalay, Yangon), China (W-Yunnan), Tibet as per Catalogue of Life;
Scandent shrubs, to 4 m high, with spreading branches, glabrous; thorns strongly recurved, sharp, 2-4 mm long. Leaves alternate, distichous, ovate-elliptic or obovate-oblong, rounded or subcordate at base, acute to abruptly caudate-acuminate with 8-10 mm long blunt tip at apex, 4-7 x 2.5-4 cm, membranous, subcoriaceous, glaucous; lateral nerves 4 or 5 pairs with obscure reticulations; petioles 2.5-6 mm long. Flowers in supra-axillary serial rows of 1-4 flowers, 8-12 mm across, white, fragrant; pedicels filiform, 1.5-5 mm long, glabrous, not incrassate in fruit. Sepals subequal, deflexed, green, purple-tinged; outer pair ovate, boat shaped, acute, largely covering inner pair, 4.5-6 x 2.2-2.5 mm, ciliate at margin, pubescent inside; inner pair elliptic-lanceolate, puberulous towards base. Petals oblong or ovate-oblong, acute, 5.5-7 x 1.8-2 mm, white with a red basal blotch on upper pair, tomentose. Stamens 8-15; filaments 14-20 mm long, white; anthers bluish. Gynophore filiform, 14-20 mm long, glabrous, white, not incrassate. Ovary pyriform, 1.5-1.8 x 5-8 mm, purple-tinged; stigma knob like. Fruits pisiform or subglobose, sometimes pointed at apex, 8-12 mm long; pericarp thin, deep orange or red when ripe; seeds 3 or 4, ca 5 x 4 mm. Flowering and fruiting: February-June
Evergreen forests
India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand and extending to Tropical Africa
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi
Attached images may be Capparis spinosa L. Please validate.
Date :12.04.2015
Location: Assam
Family : Capparaceae
Genus & species : Capparis spinosa L
Habitat: Grows wild on hilly slopes.
Habit : Spiny shrub Somewhat different. Need to have a closer look with local flora. efi page on Capparis spinosa This may not be C spinosa. There are Eight spp. of Capparis found in Assam, they are Capparis acutifolia(two varieties), C. assamica, C. catoniensis, C. floribunda, C. multiflora, C. olacifolia, C. tenera and C. zeylanica [Assam’s Flora –S.Choudhury]. I hope my sp. of Cappris seems to be match with Capparis tenera (file:///I:/Already%20senttenera.htm).
Please validate. Capparis tenera Dalzell SN Aug 47 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2).
Capparis tenera Dalzell
shrub from coorg area of Karnataka .
Capparidaceae: Capparis sabifolia: 2 very high res. images. Capparis sabifolia from Paderu forest area of Andhra Pradesh on 25/03/2024 Capparis sabiifolia Hook.f. & Thomson does not seem to have distribution in the area as per POWO.
Yes! It’s Capparis tenera as u suggested |