Capparis tenera Dalzell, Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 2: 41 1850. (syn: Capparis disticha Kurz; Capparis oxyphylla Wall. [Invalid]; Capparis tenera var. dalzellii Hook.f. & Thomson; Capparis tetrasperma Thwaites; Capparis uncinata Wall. (ambiguous synonym));
India (Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala), Andaman Isl. & Nicobar Isl.), Sri Lanka, N-Thailand, Andaman Isl. (North Andaman Isl., Middle Andaman Isl., South Andaman Isl.), Myanmar [Burma] (Bago, Kachin, Mandalay, Yangon), China (W-Yunnan), Tibet as per Catalogue of Life;

Scandent shrubs, to 4 m high, with spreading branches, glabrous; thorns strongly recurved, sharp, 2-4 mm long. Leaves alternate, distichous, ovate-elliptic or obovate-oblong, rounded or subcordate at base, acute to abruptly caudate-acuminate with 8-10 mm long blunt tip at apex, 4-7 x 2.5-4 cm, membranous, subcoriaceous, glaucous; lateral nerves 4 or 5 pairs with obscure reticulations; petioles 2.5-6 mm long. Flowers in supra-axillary serial rows of 1-4 flowers, 8-12 mm across, white, fragrant; pedicels filiform, 1.5-5 mm long, glabrous, not incrassate in fruit. Sepals subequal, deflexed, green, purple-tinged; outer pair ovate, boat shaped, acute, largely covering inner pair, 4.5-6 x 2.2-2.5 mm, ciliate at margin, pubescent inside; inner pair elliptic-lanceolate, puberulous towards base. Petals oblong or ovate-oblong, acute, 5.5-7 x 1.8-2 mm, white with a red basal blotch on upper pair, tomentose. Stamens 8-15; filaments 14-20 mm long, white; anthers bluish. Gynophore filiform, 14-20 mm long, glabrous, white, not incrassate. Ovary pyriform, 1.5-1.8 x 5-8 mm, purple-tinged; stigma knob like. Fruits pisiform or subglobose, sometimes pointed at apex, 8-12 mm long; pericarp thin, deep orange or red when ripe; seeds 3 or 4, ca 5 x 4 mm.

Flowering and fruiting: February-June
Evergreen forests
India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand and extending to Tropical Africa
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi

Capparis spinosa L from Assam KD 07 April 3015 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)
Attached images may be Capparis spinosa L. Please validate.   
Date :12.04.2015
Location: Assam
Family : Capparaceae
Genus & species : Capparis spinosa L  
Habitat: Grows wild on hilly slopes.
Habit : Spiny shrub

Somewhat different. Need to have a closer look with local flora.

efi page on Capparis spinosa

This may not be C spinosa.
It grows in rock crevices at higher elevations along rivers. Leaves are smaller and petals broader.

There are Eight spp. of Capparis found in Assam, they are Capparis acutifolia(two varieties), C. assamica, C. catoniensis, C. floribunda, C. multiflora, C. olacifolia, C. tenera and C. zeylanica [Assam’s FloraS.Choudhury]. I hope my sp. of Cappris seems to be match with Capparis tenera (file:///I:/Already%20senttenera.htm).
Please validate.

Capparis tenera Dalzell SN Aug 47 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2).
Capparis tenera Dalzell
shrub from coorg area of Karnataka


Capparidaceae: Capparis sabifolia: 2 very high res. images.
Capparis sabifolia from Paderu forest area of Andhra Pradesh on 25/03/2024

Capparis sabiifolia Hook.f. & Thomson does not seem to have distribution in the area as per POWO.

Yes! It’s Capparis tenera as u suggested