Bursera, Indian Lavender;

Bursera penicillata: Here are some pics of the Fragrant Tree taken at a nursery in Bangalore.
The tree was practically leafless with many leaf buds just beginning to emerge.

Bursera linanoe as per The Mexican roots of the Indian lavender tree by Judith X. Becerra and Koji Noge (2010)



Bursera penicillata (DC.) Engl. SN 28 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2).
Bursera penicillata (DC.) Engl, Fam: Burseraceae,

Cultivated shrub/ small tree; Near Denkanikota, Tamilnadu.

Bursera linanoe as per The Mexican roots of the Indian lavender tree by Judith X. Becerra and Koji Noge (2010)



Fwd: Bursera of Hyderabat : 2 posts by 1 author.

As I told you earlier, it was seen at Vanasthalipuram National Park (Forest area) in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.

Here is the discussion on my pictures earlier at efi thread
Here is a link giving species from Forest Flora of Andhra Pradesh:

Should I correct my species on Wikipedia to Bursera delpecianum syn. Busera oleoxylon or to B.linaloe?

thanks for info about Bursera in Hyde and excuse for later reply, I was out of home. The correct name for this tree is BURSERA LINALOE


ANAUG20 Tree for ID- Bursera sp.? : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).

Tree was very fragrant
May 2014

Seems to be Bursera delpichiana.  Would like to see the leaves for being sure!

Thanks, …,

Bursera linanoe as per The Mexican roots of the Indian lavender tree by Judith X. Becerra and Koji Noge (2010)



TSPNOV2015-65:Images of Bursera linanoe (Burseraceae) : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

It is my pleasure to share few images of Bursera linanoe (Burseraceae

Habit: Medium sized tree.

Habitat: Cultivated.

Sighting: Devarayanadurga, Tumkur, Karnataka about 800 msl

Date: 22-04-2014 and 7-07-2014

There is record that Bursera delpechiana is cultivated in Tumkur for its fragrant essential oil and having whitish flowers (Bursera delpechiana Poiss. ex Engler in DC.m Monogr. Phan. 4: 53. 1883; B.D. Sharma et al. in Fl. Karnataka Anal. 43. 1984; N.P.Singh, Fl. E. Karnataka 1: 188. 1958.  Now I find that the correct name should be B. linanoe.  I am making the necessary corrections in the manuscript of Fl. Karnataka. Kindly elucidate the uses of the plant.

The berries of Bursera linanoe yield an aromatic and volatile oil ‘linaloe’ which is used in perfumery, cosmetics and incense products. Bursera was grown in Tatguni estates near Bangalore, once owned by Ms. Devika Rani w/o Svetoslav Roerich a Russian painter who had settled in Bangalore. After the couple’s demise the Govt. acquired the estate and is being managed by a board. I am given to understand that there are about 10,000 Bursera trees and a linaloe oil extraction plant in the estate.

To add…..I am not aware of its cultivation in or around Tumkur barring a lone tree in Devarayanadurga forest near by, obviously planted..Tumkur as about 70 kms north of Bangalore.

very interesting history.

i remember reading about Devika Rani during the last one year in context of educated upper crust ladies who became involved in cinema.  People mistake her for a run of the mill actress of those days, far from it, she was a daughter of a well to do family, well educated, including in europe and ultimately heading a studio she had co founded, then this career move to become an agriculturist.  Kudos to her.

And thanks for remembering her and telling us about her, …

secondly a very interesting leaf..

the petiole of this compound lead is winged … nicely shown here

Would it be possible for any of you to let me know any nurseries in around Bangalore/in Karnataka who have the saplings of Bursera delpechiana?

…  is in Bangalore and is very knowledgeable on the plants around Bangalore and their availability.  He may be contacted.  I checked for its availability in Mysore nurseries and it is not available.




Bursera linanoe, Burseraceae : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)- around 1 mb each.

Bursera linanoe syn Bursera delpechiana, Burseraceae
Clicked in Aurangabad MH