Fwd: About M Sharfuddin Khan : 1 post by 1 author.
Who is M Sharfuddin Khan? I am finding lot of litrature from him on net like given in the link: http://forest.ap.nic.in/ForestFloraofAndhraPradesh.htm Do you have his e-mail Id or tel. no.? Mr. M.S. Khan was Silviculturist in erstwhile Hyderabad Govt. (during the regime of Nizams). He was entrusted by the then Chief Conservator of Forests of Hyderabad State, with the job of revising the “Hyderabad Forest Flora” (which was prepared by Mr. E.A. Partridge, again a Forest Officer, during 1911). Mr. Khan has completed the job of revision of the above flora during 1953 and the flora has served as handy book to the forest officers of Hyderabad region. Even though it is a revision of earlier flora (of Mr. Partridge), it has become popular as M.S. Khan’s flora. Mr.Khan is no more. Recently Andhra Forest Department has put the entire flora in the Department’s website (http://forest.ap.nic.in/M%Sharfuddin%Khan/index.htm) and hence you are able to find links to different forest species. Thanks, …
I think that’s a great job- a first from any state govt. I am finding A.P. govt. & its Officers much ahead of the other states. i am not finding this page. error 404 comes up time and again. can the original author of the email be contacted again and may be he can provide a new link or link to an index page from where the required page be accessed. or Does any one know of an alternate url for this page? Pl. see the new link: